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we remodel without giving up funds

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On the Pnrr there will be no “lost resources and the delays are not worrying”: Giorgia Meloni is sure of this when commenting on the recent issues related to the Resilience and Recovery plan. “I’m not worried about the delays on the Pnrr, we’re working a lot, the alarmist reconstruction doesn’t convince me much,” said the Prime Minister. As for the controversies of the last few days, he then commented. “I don’t take into consideration losing the resources – he added – I take into consideration the hypothesis of getting it to land effectively”. Government sources: “Let’s remodulate the Pnrr without giving up the funds”.

“Let’s remodel Pnrr” “We are working to reshape the plan but the idea of ​​giving up part of the funds” is not on the table. Government sources explain this with regard to the hypothesis, launched by the Northern League Riccardo Molinari, of giving up part of the loan funds from the Pnrr. “We are working to resolve the critical issues”, underlining the same sources, reiterating that the Plan needs to be “remodulated”, eliminating projects that cannot be completed by 2026 but “the free space will be used on other projects for which funding can be spent by June 2026”.

Molinari: give up part of the funds What had the Northern League Molinari said? “Giorgia Meloni has already reassured the fears relating to the blocking of the third tranche of the Pnrr, unjustified fears. An extra month is needed for technical problems but the money is not at risk”. The leader of the League in the Chamber recalled that he had spoken “with many mayors of small municipalities and the problems are numerous, does it make sense to get into debt with the EU to do things that are not needed? Is it therefore right to re-discuss the plan with the European Commission, or we will change the destination of the funds or spending them to spend them at random does not make sense. Perhaps it would be appropriate to consider renouncing part of the debt funds”.

“Minister Fitto was right to invite us to reason serious about the projects to be carried out because, thinking above all of major works, some are impossible to carry out by 2026 due to bureaucracy and lack of personnel. However, the new Pnrr decree envisages new procedures for de-bureaucratisation”, said Molinari again who maintained that “the problem is the spending constraints and we need to ask ourselves whether it is really necessary to use so many funds on certain items”.

Opposition to attack “Moving the funds, asking for postponements, changing the projects: on the Pnrr in the Meloni government and in the majority it is total chaos. No more passing the buck, no more delays: Minister Fitto should come to Parliament immediately to explain what is happening. The Democratic Party is there, we demand answers”: this is what is written on the social profile of the Democratic Party.

“In these hours we are witnessing yet another rift within the government and the most worrying thing is that it is happening on a crucial issue for our country, namely the Pnrr. The surreal words pronounced by the Northern League Riccardo Molinari on the possibility of giving up part of the Pnrr money have been partially denied by Palazzo Chigi, generating chaos and confusion. Who should we listen to, the League or the Brothers of Italy?”. This was stated in a note by the deputies of the 5 Star Movement in the EU Politics Commission of the Chamber and Senate.

“We are talking, among other things, of money obtained with extreme effort in Europe by Giuseppe Conte, after a long tug of war – they recall – with the Frugal Countries, and which represent a unique opportunity for the relaunch of Italy and to modernize and finally digitize our country. And faced with this challenge of putting the Pnrr on the ground, what is the government doing? The one that, among other things, said it was ready during the electoral campaign, even hypothesizes losing resources due to its manifest inability to implement the projects. We are willing, for the good of the country, to collaborate with the government for the grounding of the Pnrr but they really tell us what they have in mind!”.

Against high prices +20% fund works that cannot be postponed Meanwhile, the resources of the fund for works that cannot be postponed are increasing, created ad hoc to allow the continuation of the works envisaged by the Pnrr by coping with the cost of materials. An amendment to the Pnrr ter decree being examined by the Senate envisaged in the package of government reformulations (which should therefore have a favorable opinion) provides, in fact, that for works whose assignment practices were started between January 1st and 17th May 2022 it is possible to increase resources by 20% with respect to the amount already allocated. The amendment provides that by 30 April 2023 the MIT communicates the list of interventions to the MEF and the Accounting Office assigns the additional resources.

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