Home » West Nile, the Higher Institute of Health confirms 133 cases and 6 deaths

West Nile, the Higher Institute of Health confirms 133 cases and 6 deaths

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West Nile, the Higher Institute of Health confirms 133 cases and 6 deaths

The Higher Institute of Health has confirmed 133 cases of Nile fever and 6 deaths since May. To date, the virus has been detected in 9 Regions. The confirmed cases of infection were 94 in the previous bulletin, of these 74 occurred in the neuro-invasive form (13 Piedmont, 20 Lombardy, 10 Veneto, 26 Emilia-Romagna, 2 Puglia, 1 Sicily, 1 Sardinia) and so far they have been six people died (2 Piedmont, 3 Lombardy, 1 Emilia-Romagna). This was revealed by the latest bulletin of the Higher Institute of Health updated on 24 August. Of the 133 cases, one was imported from Hungary, 36 cases were identified in blood donors (6 Piedmont, 23 Lombardy, 1 Veneto, 6 Emilia-Romagna).

Virus.: The West Nile emergency in Italy is growing by Valentina Arcovio 18 August 2023 The first human case of infection of the season was reported from Emilia-Romagna in July, in the province of Parma.
The Provinces with proven circulation of the West Nile virus belonging to 9 Regions rise to 43: Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Emilia-Romagna, Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia. There is currently no vaccine for West Nile fever. Warning (English) for travellers: Europe potentially at risk of disease by Valentina Arcovio 08 August 2023

For the moment, the only preventive tool is the reduction of exposure to mosquito bites, during the period favorable to transmission. The incubation period from the moment of the bite of the infected mosquito varies between 2 and 14 days, but can be as long as 21 days. Among the symptomatic cases, about 20% have symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, enlarged lymph nodes, skin manifestations. The most serious symptoms occur on average in less than 1% of infected people (1 in 150 people) and include high fever, tremors, convulsions, up to paralysis and coma.

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