Home » What causes smoke on the skin: what you need to know

What causes smoke on the skin: what you need to know

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What causes smoke on the skin: what you need to know

Cigarette abuse can have a major impact on skin health. Let’s see the mechanisms by which it acts and what it causes

Cigarette (Photo Pixabay)

Smoking is a bad habit. Not just because it can have a harmful impact on the skin, but above all due to the increased risk of developing some pathologies, even very serious ones. However many people struggle to stop smoking while being fully aware of the risks that this gesture entails for health.

For this reason, showing and making people aware of the aesthetic consequences of this bad habit can be a valid attempt at a awareness of how harmful smoking is, outside and inside our body. So let’s see what the impact of smoking is on our skin and what to do to avoid it.

The impact of smoking on the aesthetics of the skin

The impact of smoking on the skin
Smoke (Pixabay Photo)

Smoking is seriously harmful to health. Today it is known that this is not the only side effect of cigarettes. Smoking accelerates skin aging, favoring the appearance of wrinkles and, in general, spoiling the appearance of the skin. In smokers, in fact, the skin appears less fresh and luminous, greyish. In general, for the same age, a smoker’s skin will always appear less young than that of a non-smoker.

It is a known problem: since the 90’s the so-called smoking lines, wrinkles caused by smoking are being studied by doctors and dermatologists. The movements made in the gesture of bringing the cigarette to the mouth and inhaling, in fact, in the long run generate characteristic wrinkles around the mouth. Even the habit of holding the cigarette, sucking on only one side of the lips worsens the situation, favoring the appearance of asymmetrical wrinkles.

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Unfortunately, the effect of smoking on the skin is not limited only to this. The nicotine contained in cigarettes, once released into the blood, causes vasoconstriction. The blood vessels of the skin, thus contracted, will not carry enough oxygen to the cells, and the skin will be poorly oxygenated, dull.

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Another effect of smoking on the skin concerns the production of collagen, which is inhibited. Collagen is an essential component of the skin’s connective tissue, which contributes to its support. The skin, deprived of collagen, tends to be less toned, and the appearance of wrinkles is favored. To keep skin youthful and smooth longer would be good abandon the habits that, like smoking, favor aging. You will gain not only in aesthetics but also in health.

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