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what is the disease from which the actress suffers

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There is no cure, but symptoms can only be treated with medication and an appropriate lifestyle. There interstitial cystitis also known as “painful cystitis syndrome”, which has affected Francesca Neri, causes pain above the bladder, pelvis or lower abdomen. It causes an almost constant need to go to the bathroom and urinate and is often associated with incontinence. The protective layer of the bladder thins and the irritants found in the urine attack the walls and cause inflammation. Its causes are unknown today.

Interstitial cystitis it strikes at any age, but for 9 out of 10 cases it touches the women, especially those between 20 and 50 years old. At first it has the same symptoms as infectious cystitis, with pain and urge to go to the toilet. But when the analyzes are negative and there is no improvement in an antibiotic treatment, the most frequent hypothesis, that of infectious cystitis, must be set aside.

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The diagnosis

The urologist, before making a diagnosis of interstitial cystitis, proposes aurinalysis and a urine culture, which serve to exclude infectious cystitis of bacterial origin. At that point, if everything is negative, the specialist must rule out various pathologies, such as sexually transmitted diseases, tumors, other inflammations. A cystoscopy (possibly even with a biopsy) is essential: a flexible probe checks the lining of the bladder.

How to cure

Treatment focuses on two areas: lifestyle and symptom treatment with drugs. Spicy, spicy and high-potassium foods (which could increase irritation) are prohibited and smoking and alcohol must be avoided. Doctors also suggest Kegel exercises for the pelvic muscles as well as bladder training. This is a system that allows you to follow, during the day, a program to go to the bathroom following a specific hourly rhythm. Pharmacological treatments involve the use of analgesics, from antidepressants (which relax the bladder walls), del pentosan (which helps to restore the protective surface coating that has thinned). There are treatments, today, which also allow the instillation in the bladder of drugs to replace the layers of the bladder mucosa: positive effects, in fact, have been noted from the mix between hyaluronic acid e chondroitin.


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