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what it is and when it is useful

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what it is and when it is useful

Even today, unfortunately, taboos remain around topics concerning the the intimate sphere. We are not just talking about sexual intercourse, but also about problems related to pelvic pain or for example, urinary incontinence following childbirth. Common “situations” therefore, which happen to everyone and everyone in the course of one’s life.

Despite this, we don’t hear enough about them, as well as about gods possible and effective treatments which can act in a targeted manner on these conditions. An example is the pelvic floor rehabilitation. Have you heard of it before? It is precisely a specific type of rehabilitation useful in the presence of those problems inherent in both the gynecological and urological fields (yes, it can also be of great help for men).

In this case, the figure who deals with pelvic floor rehabilitation is that of the physiotherapist, who after listening to the patient’s story, will be able to study a suitable therapy. This can include manual and instrumental therapies and be associated with exercises.

With the support of Marina Bellaviti, Physiotherapist and OMPT (Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapist)let’s see what pelvic floor rehabilitation is and when it is useful.

What is the pelvic floor

«Il pelvic floor it is located in the lower portion of the abdominal-pelvic cavity and houses:

  • the organs of the genital system;
  • the lower urinary tract;
  • the terminal part of the intestine.

It is a set of muscles and ligaments that form a basket starting from the pubic symphysis (ndr. the joint located between the two pubic bones) and arriving at the coccyx which has the function of accommodate the pelvic organs keeping them in place, cushioning abdominal pressures, stabilizing the pelvis, intervening in urinary and fecal continence, intervening in sexual activity and during pregnancy and childbirth “, explains the expert.

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Despite the important functions performed by the pelvic floor, there is not always a real awareness of this part of the body. However, keep the muscles in training it helps to avoid those annoying problems such as incontinence, not to mention that there are situations such as childbirth, surgery, constipationwhich can put a strain on the efficiency of the pelvic floor itself.

What is pelvic floor rehabilitation?

«Rehabilitation will follow an evaluation that it will be very thorough, taken care of and will not last a short time. In fact, he will need quality time, he will have to investigate every aspect well and the anamnesis will be very detailed. Rehabilitation will be sewn on as needed and will include:

  • manual therapies (techniques of strengthening, relaxation and improvement of coordination);
  • instrumental therapies (i.e. electromedical tools such as tens, electrostimulation, biofeedback, tecar) which can be used in association with each other and which will also have the function of reducing and controlling any pain.

In rehabilitation it is essential patient adherencewhich is why the continuation of the exercises at home it is an integral part of the treatment; initially it may seem difficult because the pelvic floor is often an area of ​​which there is little awareness for cultural and social reasons. The aim is for the exercises to become part of your routine. In addition to all this, in rehabilitation we will also have a part dedicated to:

  • breathing exercises (the pelvic floor has functional links also with the main muscle of respiration, or the diaphragm);
  • floor awareness exercises itself and the transverse abdominal muscle;
  • postural exercises, in which several parts of the muscular system will be involved », continues the physiotherapist.
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When is it useful?

“The pelvic floor rehabilitation it is useful in various cases. It can be of help to anyone and is aimed at everyone. First can be effective in case of pelvic pain or in the presence of incontinence problems (urinary, faecal or gas leak), such as leaking urine drops, urge to urinate, constipation or difficulty passing urine.

Another great area in which it applies is the pregnancythe moment in which a stretching of the pelvic muscles occurs and where rehabilitation can be a valid help both in preparation for childbirth and subsequently. Pelvic floor rehabilitation is also indicated in cases of diastasis of the rectus abdominis (post pregnancy or significant weight loss) as it has correlations with pelvic floor health. In addition to pregnancy, it is important for women to become aware of their perineum at all stages of life, from childbearing age to menopause. It is recommended in case of:

Pregnancy is a special period for a woman, but it is also a phase of “preparation” at the time of delivery. Over the course of the nine months it can be of great use to begin to familiarize yourself with the pelvic floor and train it to avoid, for example, experiencing the lacerations that can occur during a natural birth.

Can it be useful to man?

“The male world can make use of pelvic rehabilitation in case of erection difficulties, premature ejaculation and in the post-operative period (interventions related to the prostate) », concludes the expert.

As we have seen, pelvic floor rehabilitation is more helpful than you might imagine. In fact, it can improve muscle strength, intervening on dysfunctions and pathologies of the pelvic floor itself or related to them. If in doubt, the advice is to speak openly with a trusted professional.

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