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what it is, the symptoms and who it affects

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what it is, the symptoms and who it affects

Deadly MIP-C Disease Linked to Covid Emerges: 8 Deaths Recorded

A new deadly disease called MIP-C has emerged among Covid patients in Yorkshire, with 8 deaths recorded out of 60 cases, according to clinical data analysis. Also known as “MDA5 autoimmunity and interstitial pneumonia co-occurring with COVID-19,” this disease is similar to a rare autoimmune syndrome known as anti-MDA5 positive dermatomyositis.

Researchers from the University of California-San Diego and the University of Leeds led the study, which began after an increase in cases of the rare autoimmune syndrome was noticed in 2021. The disease is closely linked to Covid-19, as it is caused by antibodies attacking an enzyme that detects the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

Symptoms of MIP-C disease include scars on the lungs, rheumatological symptoms like arthritis and skin rashes. A computational model analyzing big data found that patients with higher autoimmune reactions to the enzyme had elevated levels of interleukin-15, associated with interstitial lung disease.

The new disease, MIP-C, may have spread outside the UK, but specific data is lacking. Scientists note that even a mild Covid-19 infection can induce this distinct form of anti-MDA5-positive dermatomyositis, with different progression and mortality rates compared to the known syndrome.

The emergence of MIP-C highlights the complexity and long-term impacts of Covid-19, shedding light on lesser-known consequences of the virus. Further research and monitoring will be crucial in understanding and combating this new threat.

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