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when and how to take it, expert advice

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when and how to take it, expert advice

You may be taking Tachipirina the wrong way: here’s how and when to take it according to expert advice.

Tips for taking Tachipirina without risk (Photo source Canva – Inran.it)

Tachipirina is an antipyretic and analgesic drug. Among the medicines most commonly used to lower fever and reduce pain, it should only be taken after consulting the package leaflet. How and when to take Tachipirina? Here are all the indications to follow to avoid unpleasant side effects and health risks.

When to take Tachipirina?

How and when to take Tachipirina
Woman about to take a drug (Photo source Canva – Inran.it)

When to take Tachipirina? Among the main functions of this drug is thelowering of fever. However, it should be taken under certain conditions.

This medicine, in fact, causes a sudden drop in body temperature. Therefore, Tachipirina should be taken when the fever is equal to or higher than 38 degrees.

Thanks to its pain-relieving action, this medicine can be taken for the treatment of mild pains, such as toothaches, backaches and menstrual pains. In any case, it is a drug capable of soothing the symptoms of malaise, not of curing the ailment that originated them.

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If the episodes of malaise recur, therefore, it is essential to consult a doctor to identify the underlying cause. Even in the case of prolonged and frequent fevers, it is advisable to undergo visits and tests aimed at clarifying the cause of their origin.

These manifestations of malaise, in fact, can be caused by a more serious underlying disease.

The right way to take Tachipirina

What is the right way to take Tachipirina? Firstly, the use of this drug is indicated only for adults and for children aged 15 and over.

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The dose of three 1000 mg tablets a day should never be exceeded, respecting a time interval between one administration and another of at least four hours.

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For more precise and punctual indications, in any case, it is essential to seek the opinion of your doctor: on the basis of our clinical history and other factors such as allergies, weight and age, the professional will be able to tell us how and when to take Tachipirina according to our characteristics and needs.

Risks and side effects

The administration of Tachipirina can cause the appearance of side effects. Among the most common are:

  • Fatigue and weakness;
  • Diarrhea and abdominal pain;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Blood in the urine or cloudy urine.


There are certain categories of people to whom it is the use of this drug is strongly discouraged. Firstly, it concerns those who are hypersensitive to the active ingredient or to one of its excipients.

In addition, this list includes those who are affected by:

  • Liver failure;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Hemolytic anemia;
  • Glucose enzyme deficiency.


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