Home » Which flowers bloom in the garden all summer? Look over here!

Which flowers bloom in the garden all summer? Look over here!

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Which flowers bloom in the garden all summer?  Look over here!

Which flowers bloom in the garden all summer? This is one of the big questions that hobby gardeners often ask themselves. Surely you could change the flowers every few months or survive short periods without flowers. But why, if there is another way, right? To everyone’s delight, there are a number of permanent bloomers for the garden beds, with which you can not only decorate the garden, but also do insects good. The following specimens can soon decorate your beds.

These perpetual bloomers adorn the beds in the summer months

Whether hardy summer perennials or seasonal summer flowers for the garden, colorful meadow flowers or even edible herbs – there is quite a wide range of outdoor flowers to consider and with which you can create beautiful combinations in the flower beds. Here is a small selection of the most beautiful types of flowers:

Plant bush mallow for the back areas

What flowers bloom in the garden all summer - bush mallow (Lavatera olbia) with large flowers

The bush mallow (Lavatera Olbia) is a 150 cm tall plant and thus towers over most other bedding flowers. So that it doesn’t steal the show from the others, it’s better to plant it in the back areas. It produces its flowers as early as June and then presents them in a wide variety of colors, often well into autumn. A real perpetual bloomer! Poor soil is preferred by the hardy plants that bloom almost all year round.

Choose Verbena for flowering perennials outdoors

Easy-care vervain (Verbena bonariensis) with delicate, pink flowers

Also in June, this beautiful plant starts flowering, only here it lasts even until the end of October. So, if you’ve been wondering “what flowers bloom in the garden all summer lately,” you’ll get a really satisfying answer here, won’t you? As this is a fairly delicate plant, it is worth looking for a location that is more sheltered from the wind, but with either full sun or partial shade. The Verbena (Verbena bonariensis) likes a moderate amount of nutrients, but dislikes waterlogging.

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What flowers bloom in the garden all summer – catnip

What flowers bloom in the garden all summer - Catnip (Nepata) as a hardy perennial

Catnip has its first flowering phase (Nebata) before summer, but you can encourage a second one by cutting it back afterwards. The perennial with purple flowers is also very easy to care for, because it feels at home pretty much anywhere. Both lean and nutrient-rich soil is suitable, but it should be watered regularly and should never be waterlogged. You should also find her a place in the sun. Since it grows quite tall, it is suitable either as a solitary plant or for the back of the bed, i.e. as a background.

Globe thistles for an interesting look in the bed

Globe thistle (Echinops) also adorns the bed before and after flowering

You will probably not be surprised that meadow flowers are permanent bloomers. This specimen also grows quite tall and is ideal for edging beds. The advantage of these flowering plants is, among other things, that they retain their attractiveness even after they have bloomed in autumn and can continue to decorate your beds during the winter. If you are looking for blue flowers for the summer, which also thrive in the blazing sun, you will find the globe thistles (Echinops) exactly the right choice. Avoid waterlogging!

The girl’s eye for summer flowers in yellow

Queen's Eye (Coreopsis) for sunny locations with nutrient-rich soil

The girl’s eye (Coreopsis) will mesmerize you with its blooms from June to October, with your choice of full yellow (the original) flower colors rather than the red and yellow combo. The soil should be nutrient rich. You have the choice between different varieties with different heights, all of which prefer a sunny location. Otherwise, the garden flowers are hardy, so you will enjoy them for several years.

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What flowers bloom in the garden all summer – A few more ideas

What flowers bloom in the garden all summer - Larkspur (Delphinium) and others

Of course, these are by no means all the possibilities and even after the following list we will not have come close to summarizing all summer bloomers. Nevertheless, we would like to offer you a few more specimens as bedding plants. There are low perennial perennials as well as flowers with large flowers, tall garden flowers for the summer and more. And which flowers bloom from spring to autumn? Find out:

  • the bearded father (Penstem), May to August
  • Filled Bertrams sheaf (Yarrow), July to September
  • scented nettle (wrinkled agastache), June to September, depending on the variety
  • Goldrute (Solidago), July to October
  • Nelkenwurz (Urban Jew), April to August, depending on the variety
  • beautiful candle (Gaura lindheimeri), June to October
  • Rittersporn (Delphinium), from June
  • sun eye (Heliopsis helianthoides), July to October
  • Spornblume (Centranthus ruber), May to July
  • Steppensalbei (Sage Nemorosa), June/July to August
  • Stockrose (Alcea Rosea), July to September/October
  • sage (Salvia), May to July
  • yarrow (Achillea millefolium), June to September
  • Scabies (Scabiosa), June to late autumn
  • sun bride (Helenium), June to September
  • coneflower (Rudbeckia), July to October
  • Sterndolde (Astrantia), June to August

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