Home » Which is better the yolk or the albumen? Which of the two is healthier to eat

Which is better the yolk or the albumen? Which of the two is healthier to eat

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Which is better the yolk or the albumen?  Which of the two is healthier to eat

What is better to choose in terms of food and what should you prefer: better the yolk or the albumen? There are some important differences between them.

Which is better the yolk or the albumen? The eggs that we usually cook for various first and second courses have these two distinct components. It is possible to recognize them by their consistency, color and flavor which differ clearly from each other.

Egg white yolk (Photo Canva – Ricettasprint.it)

With regard to their dietary intake, is the yolk or the albumen better? Depending on the preparation chosen and the recipe to be completed, we can cook an egg following different methods.

And in general, regardless of whether the yolk or the albumen is better, it is a very nutritious food of animal origin and which is particularly capable of giving us an important contribution in terms of proteins.

And there are also some vitamins, such as K2, D and B12, as well as various mineral salts such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and many others. A correct weekly intake of eggs, eaten in the right quantities, provides our health with enormous benefits.

Better the yolk or the albumen, which one to choose between the two

However, there are some contraindications, given by the fact that eggs are also equipped with a significant amount of calories. And those with high cholesterol should avoid them. The right intake indicated by expert dieticians and nutritionists is to be framed, for all the others, in a maximum of three eggs to be eaten every week.

Egg white yolks (Photo Canva – Ricettasprint.it)

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This is also supported by the Italian National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition. Between yolk and egg white then, and finally we answer the initial question, it is preferable to eat the latter. In fact, there are no traces of cholesterol or fat in the egg white. It is made up of only water and proteins.

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The egg white alone can be used, among other things, in many recipes ranging from first courses to main courses and side dishes, obviously also passing through the inevitable desserts. Egg white has a more fluid consistency precisely because it is 90% water, while the remaining percentage is represented by the aforementioned proteins.

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And it’s also more digestible than the yolk, which is the yellow to deep orange color inside. In the yolk there is a composition divided into 50% water, 17% protein, 30% fat and various emulsifiers. In terms of calories, the yolk has 60 while in the albumen they are found 15 kcal in media.

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