Home » With these 2 very simple daily actions we can avoid Alzheimer’s, dementia and cognitive decline

With these 2 very simple daily actions we can avoid Alzheimer’s, dementia and cognitive decline

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When the first difficulties appear in remembering dates, events or facts that happened a few days before, it is advisable to understand whether or not it is necessary to take action.

To avoid the nightmare of any brain pathologies it is better to have an interview with a specialist doctor.

However, especially with the passing of age, the normal development of cognitive activities will be slowly slower and less effective. Therefore, it is a good idea to enhance memory, always keeping it in training. A golden rule to be put into practice at any age.

From 60 to 70 years, these 5 quick and easy strategies are suggested to train the mind and ward off dangerous diseases.

To these strategies we can add other techniques. In fact, with these 2 very simple daily actions we can avoid Alzheimer’s, dementia and cognitive decline. To say it is not us of the editorial staff but a group of Canadian scientists.

So what are these habits that help keep our mind active and healthy?

Several scientific studies agree on the fact that memory is consolidated with “active involvement”. What does it mean? That to help our mind we must train it, always keeping it active.

How? Simple and trivial actions are enough.

With these 2 very simple daily actions we can avoid Alzheimer’s, dementia and cognitive decline

Walking and reading aloud are 2 great techniques to stimulate the mind and protect its health.
This is confirmed by a study from the University of Waterloo in Canada, published in the journal Memory and also reported by the Umberto Veronesi Foundation.

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Reading a book aloud creates a double benefit for the brain. This double action, namely that of speaking and that of listening to oneself, helps the mind to store more information that will be kept longer.

The researchers analyzed 95 subjects, asking them to read silently, to listen to others read, and finally to read aloud. The test result highlighted that reading aloud is the most effective way to keep the mind fit and healthy for longer.

Therefore, for the elderly, not only do you need crosswords and puzzles but also simply reading aloud is a good training to support the memory.

An action, that of reading aloud, which when combined with a 10-minute walk a day leads to even more surprising results.

In fact, it only takes 10 minutes to protect the brain from brain disease and cognitive decline. According to scientists, a “dose” of exercise gives the mind a boost of liveliness.

The scholars asked some subjects to read for 10 minutes, first seated and then while pedaling on an exercise bike. When asked about the text, the best results were recorded for people who in addition to reading had also dedicated themselves to exercise bikes.

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