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with Ukraine, but as a “pacifist” and just follow the center – breaking latest news

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with Ukraine, but as a “pacifist” and just follow the center – breaking latest news

“It is right to support Ukraine, but as a pacifist I say that the EU is missing in diplomacy, I don’t wait until the last rifle.’ “With i Five stars I hope we can work together, I think so today, I thought so yesterday, I will think so tomorrow». “The fault lies with those who have chased the center for years, losing the left and an entire social bloc”. TO”Enough with the used safethe caciques and club leaders, no more women who are only good for acting as deputies».

You don’t need a glass ball to understand which Pd will be the Elly Schlein traction one, his sentences are enough. Whether they make her a revolutionary visionary or a self-willed movementist is too early to say. Certainly there is an unanswered question regarding the origins of the Democratic Party.

The goal was to build a left force capable of not being a minority, but of aggregating around itself, with one majority vocationsufficient forces to govern the country. Out of this there were still two alternatives: be condemned to an ideological drift and minority, or, in the end, surrender to any alliancemaybe with Francis Cossigaor with Clement Mastellaor even with Romano Misserville, as almost recent history recalls.

The first point is the unity of the inheriting party. The dress makes the monk, and it is possible that he grants the defeated the sop of the party presidency: primary votes in hand, she won but the others are almost half. From the first signs, however, nothing more comes. If Bonaccini, in case of victory, had offered her the position of deputy, Elly took good care not to reciprocate. They don’t seem to worry her at the moment fibrillation of reformists and Catholicswho, ready to go, saw the farewell to the Pd of Joseph Fioreni. What he seems to understand is that reassuring is not among his priorities. And in fact in the reformist area calm and chalk prevails, that if you really have to leave, you will have to do it without haste and all together, according to the vulgate that someone attributes to the former minister Lorenzo Guerini. But also the onslaught of the Third pole does not seem to worry her, convinced as it seems that it is a question of the Palace and not of the people and that any parliamentary escapes are more interested in the corsair maneuvers of Matthew Renzi rather than the political project of Carlo Calenda.

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The other branch concerns the relationship with the Five stars, who only apparently have something to celebrate. This is revealed by the angular wishes of Giuseppe Conte, worried by the competition. There is no doubt that Schlein looks that way for the future alliances, but for now it aims above all at vampirizing the grillini, given that the elections are far away. But he risks stumbling, chasing them in the ‘ambiguity about support for Ukraine.

An unresolved point concerns her relationship with the current leaders who supported her. Debts are debts, and Dario Franceschini, Nicola Zingaretti, Andrew Orlando, Goffredo Bettini e Joseph Provenzano they spent on her. But at the moment there are no promotions, except perhaps for Francesco Boccia. Bonaccini’s accusation of having had all of her big names on her side also helps her, and she seems willing not to reciprocate, to deny it.

After all, it is known that gratitude never saw kings and for a front row seat there is the most faithful Marco Furfaro. The relationship announced with the parliamentary groups is harsher. He doesn’t like it either Deborah Serracchiani to lead the House, nor Simona Malpezzi in the Senate. But killing the two women won’t be painless, and the autonomy of parliamentarians is a rock against which other secretaries have already crashed.

For now Elly Schlein has a long horizon twelve monthsthose that separate it from European elections. There, with the proportional vote, the strength of him will be measured, then the time of phase two will come, or, if it goes badly, the time to leave.

The fight against precariousness, a income for the poorthe defense of migrants, public health and education e civil rights they will be his workhorses, with the downhill road of the opposition. He steeper the ascent of international politics. Will press on the search of the peace in Ukrainea commendable intention in itself, but he will have to deal with the risk of slipping into a Putinian drift, in contrast with Europe and the United States, as well as with a parliamentary group that at least eighty percent refuses to yield.

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