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Withdrawal endangers social cohesion

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Withdrawal endangers social cohesion

The federal government warns of increasing loneliness in society and wants to take action against it. The editorial network Germany reports this Thursday, citing a strategy paper from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, which has been forwarded to the other ministries for departmental coordination. Loneliness, especially if it becomes chronic or lasts for a long period of time, “can have a variety of negative effects on people’s mental and physical health as well as on social participation and thus on social interaction,” says the paper.

In 2017, 14 percent of people in Germany felt lonely at least sometimes. The effects of the corona pandemic would then have led to a significant increase in the number of people affected.

address those affected

At the time of the first lockdown in March 2020, 40 percent of people living in Germany said they felt lonely at least sometimes. In 2021, at the time of the second lockdown, this number had even risen to 42 percent. On the other hand, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs now wants to take action, among other things, by specifically addressing those affected.

Federal Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) told the RND that in times of great challenges, lonely people have it particularly difficult. “While their environment is busy with their own problems, they also or especially need listeners or a helping hand,” emphasized Paus.

Published/Updated: Recommendations: 5 Angelika Fey Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 4 Stefan Rebenich Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 4 Sebastian Eder and Felix Hooß Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 5 Silke Weber Published/Updated: , Recommendations: 28

Loneliness has many faces and is no longer a question of age. “More and more young people fear loneliness or already feel alone,” said the minister. “We should all be attentive together and take care of our fellow human beings wherever possible,” appealed Paus. “If we do nothing to counteract the growing loneliness and accept the withdrawal of many people, then this endangers social cohesion.”

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