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Yearbook 2021, updated data from the National Health Service

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The National Health Service has over 214 thousand beds for ordinary hospitalization, of which 20.5% in accredited private structures. Nationwide they are available 4.0 beds for every 1,000 inhabitants.

These are some of the data, relating to 2021, highlighted in the latest edition of the Statistical Yearbook of the National Health Service, created by the Statistics Office of the Ministry of Health. The publication presents the statistical data on the structures of the health supply network and on the related services, on the organizational characteristics, on the production factors and data on the territorial and hospital assistance activity.

The information is processed on the basis of the information flows detected on the basis of the Ministerial Decree of 5 December 2006 “Variation of the data collection models of the management activities of healthcare facilities”, which regulates the transmission of data from the Regions and autonomous Provinces to the Ministry of Health.

Hospital care

In 2021 hospital care made use of 995 health institutions, of which 51.4% public and the remaining 48.6% accredited private. The 63,6% of public facilities consists of hospitals directly managed by local health authorities, 10.4% by hospitals and the remaining 26.0% by other types of public hospitals.

The National Health Service has over 214 thousand beds for ordinary hospitalizationof which 20.5% in accredited private facilities, 12,027 day hospital places, almost entirely public (88.6%) and 8,132 day surgery places, mostly public (76.7%).
Nationwide they are available 4.0 beds for every 1,000 inhabitantsin particular, the number of beds dedicated to acute care activities is 3.4 for every 1,000 inhabitants.

When analyzing hospital care data, it is necessary to bear in mind the impact that the pandemic emergency has had in some regions, which has led to the reorganization of hospital structures and activities. In the Yearbook, as for 2020, a specific focus relating to beds and facilities dedicated tocare of Covid-19 patients.

District assistance: general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice

District assistance, which coordinates and integrates all access routes to health services by the citizen, makes use above all of general practitioners and paediatricians of free choice.

On average nationwide each primary care physician potentially has as patients 1,295 adults residents. There are significant differences at the regional level.

The average potential number per pediatrician nationwide is 985 childrenwith a wide territorial variability (from a value of 842 children per pediatrician in Puglia to 1,262 children per pediatrician in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano).

The contract of general practitioners and paediatrics provides, with exceptions, that each general practitioner assists at most 1,500 patients adults (over 13 years of age) and each pediatrician 800 children (aged between 0 and 13 years).


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