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yellow on the Schillaci circular

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yellow on the Schillaci circular

Respond the nightmare of masks indoors, after the current government, under siege by the transversal party of the Taliban healthcare, decided to extend its use in hospitals and RSAs.

The chilling prospect, after nearly three years of useless liberticidal measuresemerged from a circular from the Ministry of Health of 3 November and addressed to the Regions regarding some objectives, such as the completion of the vaccination campaign and the use, in the event of a worsening of the epidemiological situation, once again to the magic of masks indoors. In addition to the eventual reappearance in a grand style of this sort of individual protection fetish, the same circular advances the possibility of a return to work from home and the reduction of events involving gatherings.

However the circular hallucinantwhich brings us back to the dawn of a pandemic still to be decoded, was then suddenly withdrawn by the Ministry of Health, with this laconic explanation: “Please do not consider the document transmitted with protocol 45253 of 03/11/2022-DGPRE in what was sent for mere material error. “

Now, the departure of the new executive on the thorny issue of the infinite pandemic, however, immediately appeared rather uncertain, and this umpteenth, embarrassing story of ordinary bureaucratic madness fully demonstrates it.

Just as the difficulty that the current majority is encountering in decisively turning the page emerges with increasing clarity, definitively sending the idiotic protocols with which the former minister Speranza it has tried in vain to block the circulation of a long-standing endemic virus, with the sole result of paralyzing the social system as a whole.

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Well, precisely in the circular in question the same approach that the premier is reiterated Giorgia Meloni he strongly objected in his first speech to the Chamber of Deputies. An approach that included the strictest restrictions in the West, but which achieved the worst results in all respects. And it was precisely for this reason that for many of us first-hour aperturists the words of the Prime Minister indicated the clear intention to adopt a line of full discontinuity compared to the Chinese strategy embodied by Roberto Speranza.

However, finding in a document of the Ministry of Health the chilling magic words of the liberticidal measures of a health regime that we had given up for dead is not a good sign. Still having to deal with masks indoorswith the bugbear of the increase in cases (almost all asymptomatic, given that for a long time clinicians have signaled the disappearance of the most serious symptoms of Covid-19), with the return to teleworking and with anti-crowd measures, mentally brings us back to a democratic season, so to speak, which we would frankly like to bury forever.

On the other hand, beyond the gossip and good intentions, if you really want change the failing paradigm of Speranzawhich has caused too much damage in the country, there are only three things to do: discontinuity, discontinuity and discontinuity.

Ergo this means that, after the announcements, it is necessary to take responsibility for taking concrete action, eliminating the spectrum of mandatory masks and other liberticide measures still in place. Facts not words, read a famous television advertisement a few decades ago.

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Claudio Romiti, November 4, 2022

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