Home » You can burn body fat while you sleep: how to do it

You can burn body fat while you sleep: how to do it

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You can burn body fat while you sleep: how to do it

When it comes to slimming oh you weight loss, there are many ways to achieve your goal: diet, exercise, stress reduction and so on. However, if you’re looking for a new strategy for your weight loss routine, sleep may be the answer.

Sleep is in fact a crucial factor when it comes to losing weight. Not getting enough sleep, perhaps many of you know, can hinder progress in life weight loss, as it affects the regulation of hormones that control appetite and metabolism. In short, his role is decisive and incredibly complex.

Ma how can you use sleep to burn body fat? Let’s take a look at some simple tips that are easy to put into practice and require minimal effort.

Let’s start with the first: try to have your last meal a few hours before going to bed and fasting until breakfast the following day. This trick can help the body to burn fat instead of glucose for energy during the night. In short, an intermittent fast capable of bearing fruit upon awakening.

Then, keeping the room temperature cool at night can help get your metabolism going and activate brown fat, which burn calories to generate heat. And consequently it helps to lose weight. So before you go to bed, turn down the thermostat and let your body do the work while you rest. With the same principle, a few minutes before going to sleep you can take a cold shower to help refresh the body.

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Finally, do a short but intense workout, always before going to bed. It can give a boost to the metabolism, helping to burn calories even later, while you are peacefully sleeping. But remember not to overdo it with exercise, as it could disturb your sleep.

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