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you have to use the right dosage otherwise it hurts

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you have to use the right dosage otherwise it hurts

A recent survey has demonstrated the dangers of vitamin B12 in some aspects, as well as denouncing harmful presences.

Apparently, when you decide to embrace a totally new lifestyle, there are many setbacks and dangers that you need to prevent and avoid.

InformationToday ā€“ Vitamin B12

In this case, we want to talk about the vitamina B12: the same is essential especially for those who have decided to become vegan or vegetarian. Obviously, not being able to do without it, we try to make up for the lack through supplements that guarantee the right amount of vitamin B12 per day. However, all that glitters is not always gold: some of these supplements, in reality, are really dangerous for our health.

To be even clearer, whoever cared about the thing was Eco Test, a German magazine that deals with consumer protection, a bit like Altroconsumo does with us. The magazine is published every month and deals with various products ranging from clothes to food, via banks and commerce. Well, this time he decided to focus on the vitamin B12 supplements sold in Germany.

Before proceeding with the illustration of the survey, let’s stay in the world of vegans. In fact, there is a vegan manicure which, according to many, is amazing and can also be done by those who have not embraced this lifestyle. Staying on the subject of food, when we go to supermarkets we must be careful of these three rules that could save our lives! With this last joke, we can move on to our supplements.

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Vitamin B12, everything we didn’t know: the surprising investigation

The German magazine, mentioned above, examined seven of the most popular vitamin B12 supplements circulating in Germany. However, the same did not want to make the brands known but, rather, what was so shocking that was discovered.

First of all, the fact that these supplements have inside them makes you turn up your nose too much vitamin B12: in fact, most have more than 25 micrograms. This is a very important dose, so much so that we can easily speak of an extreme overdose.

Another equally important thing is a lack of reference to the vegan diet. Practically, those who eat meat or foods of animal origin do not need these supplements. The producers, however, to sell more, decide to omit such information which, in reality, is very important!

But that’s certainly not all: in many brands have also been found additives and of the excipients: let’s talk about titanium dioxide which has been banned by the European Union since August 2022. The reason is very simple: it is considered genotoxic! Not to mention, then, the discovery of the preservative propylparaben, which, apparently, is an endocrine disruptor.

The investigation ended with another bitter discovery – the presence of carboxymethylcellulose thickening agent, capable of inflaming the intestines. And then some too phosphatesdeadly for those suffering from kidney disease, but which can also damage those who are well.

Where is the vitamin found in the diet?

Vitamin B12 can be easily found in meat, eggs, dairy products, and then herring, liver and fermented soybeans. Furthermore, according to the age that one has, there are different intakes of vitamin B12. For example, teenagers and adults can take four micrograms a day. Pregnant women, on the other hand, 4.5 per day and those who breastfeed 5.5 per day.

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The information in the article is for informational purposes only and concerns scientific studies published in medical journals. Therefore, they are not a substitute for medical or specialist advice, and should not be considered in formulating treatment or diagnosis.

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