Home » $0.01 cent coins from 1943 can be worth more than $800,000

$0.01 cent coins from 1943 can be worth more than $800,000

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$0.01 cent coins from 1943 can be worth more than $800,000

Some foods can make you feel bloated after eating, such as those that contain high fructose and salt, such as processed foods, as well as some natural fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and grains that could trigger gas problems due to malabsorption. in the digestive system.

Dr. Jacqueline Wolf, a gastroenterologist and professor at Harvard Medical School, explains that there are many potential factors for bloating in the stomach, one common cause being related to some food that the intestine fails to absorb optimally.

It is normally a short-term condition that resolves on its own in most people, although in others it presents as a chronic problem that affects your quality of life, in which case, it is better to see a health expert.

Wolf points out that one in ten people suffers from this condition of multifactorial origin that is triggered by the consumption of foods made with high fructose, some vegetables, fruits, grains and dairy products:


-Some fruits, bread, processed sauces

-Sweetened yogurt

-Soft drinks and juices

-Sweet natural fruits: plums, peaches, ripe bananas, prunes, raisins and apples

-Some vegetables: lettuce, broccoli, zucchini, leeks, asparagus, artichokes, beets, Brussels sprouts and cabbage.

-Beans and grains: black, navy, kidney, pinto, and soy beans

-Foods with gluten such as wheat, barley and rye

-Whole grains

-Dairy: milk with lactose, cheese, yogurt and ice cream

-Some ferments: Kimchi, kombucha and sauerkraut

Other products that can cause swelling:

Sugar free gum. They contain a sugar alcohol known as sorbitol that takes time to be digested by our body, which causes gas.

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Cereal bars. They include protein isolate derived from soy, it contains oligosaccharides (sugar molecules) that take time for the body to digest.

Canned soups. Canned soups typically contain high levels of sodium and this can cause fluid retention and bloating.

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