Home » 31,683 citizens have registered an identity card in Orinoquía for territorial elections – news

31,683 citizens have registered an identity card in Orinoquía for territorial elections – news

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31,683 citizens have registered an identity card in Orinoquía for territorial elections – news

Three months of debate, analysis and voting were necessary for the plenary sessions of the Senate and House of Representatives to approve the National Development Plan 2022-2026, the most important document of the national Government that defines the goals to be met in the short, medium and long term. term, as well as the financial and budgetary instruments necessary to turn Colombia into a world power of life.

And it was not for less, because since February 6, when the President of the Republic, Gustavo Petro, and the director of the National Planning Department (DNP), Jorge Iván González, filed the document before Congress, more of 6,500 proposals, thus becoming one of the most democratic and participatory plans in history.

In fact, before its presentation to Congress, between September and December 2022, more than 250,000 people mobilized in each of the 51 Binding Regional Dialogues convened by the President of the Republic and where more than 89,000 fundamental proposals were received. to define each of the transformations that make it up today: Territorial Ordering; Human Security; Human Right to Food; Productive economy for life and fight against climate change; and Regional convergence.

Likewise, the document included the main results of the 33 public hearings of the Multiannual Investment Plan that ended last January and in which 13,000 citizens participated.

After the work carried out with the Colombians and the congressmen of the economic commissions of the Senate and Chamber until April 25, the plenary sessions of both corporations improved and approved this Wednesday the text of the National Development Plan, “Colombia, world power of the life”.

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“I appreciate the committed work that the congressmen have had throughout all that time. We have had a constructive dialogue with Colombian society, in democracy and with the representation of the citizenry in Congress, and we have been able to improve the National Development Plan, legitimizing the five transformations that we have proposed as a Government of change. The congressmen accepted our recommendations to think about and approve projects of strategic national impact and in this discussion we have seen that the benches have united around regional issues that agree with our proposal for substantive changes for the country”, said the director of National Planning, Jorge Ivan Gonzalez.

For his part, the Minister of Finance and Public Credit, Ricardo Bonilla, pointed out that “the Development Plan is the navigation chart of a Government, it is organized precisely starting, to be able to say what is going to be done in the period four years old. In this case, the most important programs are the poverty reduction and inequality reduction programs and those are the fundamental objectives”.

The Law approved in the Congress of the Republic, after its approval, will pass to presidential sanction. It is worth remembering that in the last 61 years, 14 national development plans have been built in Colombia.

​Main goals

The law approved by the Congress of the Republic brings some goals whose objective is to make Colombia a world power of life. In order to comply with one of the pillars of the Development Plan, land use planning, one of the goals is to advance the Multipurpose Cadastre to 70% of the national territory, which will allow the consolidation of the comprehensive rural reform that was a popular mandate for the Government of change.

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There is also a commitment to social justice with the massive delivery of land in this four-year period and in which it is sought that 2.9 million hectares that are estimated to be delivered to rural citizens contribute to the restitution and titling of land as essential instruments to achieve total peace and also boost national agricultural production.

Another axis is the break in extreme poverty and multidimensional poverty to a single digit and in which the Government of change aims for the country to lower this situation of extreme vulnerability to 9.6% and multidimensional to 7.4% in 2026 .

The People’s Plan also wants to improve the lives of rural Colombians who expressed the need for tertiary roads in the regional dialogues. For this reason, the National Development Plan contemplates reaching 88,000 kilometers of intervened tertiary roads.

The economy for life will be focused on expanding the areas in the process of restoration, recovery and rehabilitation of ecosystems to 1.7 million hectares. In terms of energy transition, the country will continue in the staggered and responsible process and is committed to adding 2,000 MW of capacity in commercial operation for the generation of electricity from non-conventional sources of renewable energy in the four-year period.

This transit will also be in the diversification of the export basket of Colombia in which the Government of the exchange set a 56.3% increase in the participation of exports of non-mining and energy goods.​

reconciled text

Reconciled text of Bill 274 of 2023 Chamber – 338 of Senate National Development Plan 2022 – 2026 Colombia World Power of Life

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Source: Presidency of the Republic

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