Home » A driver attacked and threatened in Ivrea, a 23-year-old denounced

A driver attacked and threatened in Ivrea, a 23-year-old denounced

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A driver attacked and threatened in Ivrea, a 23-year-old denounced

A police car (archive photo)

The incident took place in corso Massimo D’Azeglio and the young man was stopped in via San Nazario. The case is being dealt with by the Ivrea Public Prosecutor’s Office

IVREA. A GTT bus driver was attacked and threatened by a 23-year-old Cuban, denounced by the Ivrea Police, also for interruption of public service. The incident took place in Corso Massimo D’Azeglio and the driver himself asked for the intervention of the police: according to his story, the young man got on the bus with a large dog without a muzzle. The driver would have asked the passenger to make the dog wear a muzzle and, at his refusal, would have invited him to get out of the vehicle. In response, the man allegedly insulted and threatened the Gtt employee and subsequently kicked him in the abdomen. The young man was stopped in via San Nazario. The Ivrea Public Prosecutor’s Office is dealing with the case during the preliminary investigations.

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