Home » A young man died in another traffic accident in Altamira

A young man died in another traffic accident in Altamira

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A young man died in another traffic accident in Altamira

A tragic accident occurred in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of the municipality of Altamira, claimed the life of Eduardo Quintero.

The incident took place yesterday afternoon when the victim was traveling along the road that leads from Altamira to the municipality of Timaná, Huila.

According to known information, the young man was driving a motorcycle when he collided with a cargo vehicle. Despite the efforts of the community to help him, unfortunately Eduardo Quintero died due to the seriousness of his injuries.

The local authorities have not yet revealed the exact causes of this tragic accident and are conducting the corresponding investigations to determine the factors that contributed to the collision.

The body of Eduardo Quintero was transferred to Legal Medicine, while his relatives carry out the necessary procedures to provide him with a Christian burial.

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This sad event has generated consternation in the Altamira community, who mourn the loss of Eduardo Quintero and send their condolences to his family and loved ones at this difficult time.

The authorities urge drivers to exercise caution and respect traffic regulations in order to avoid accidents that may put people’s lives at risk.

Despite repeated calls from the authorities, the accident rate in Huila continues to claim lives. The main causes are recklessness and speeding.

It is worth mentioning that on the Hobo – Campoalegre road, a couple who were on a motorcycle also died when they were involved in a collision with a public service van.

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