Home » ‘Achievements’ of the student strike at the National University, La Paz headquarters

‘Achievements’ of the student strike at the National University, La Paz headquarters

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‘Achievements’ of the student strike at the National University, La Paz headquarters

The student assembly of the National University of Colombia (UNAL), La Paz, Cesar, decided this weekend to lift the indefinite strike that began on March 21, despite the fact that until that day the first cessation of academic activities was defined.

The objective with which the strike was prolonged, according to the strike committee of the institution, was “to promote scenarios of participation, planning and collective construction” of proposals and petitions that were later presented to the vice-rector and academic direction of the headquarters.

Lea: “We are an experiment”: student strike at the National University of La Paz


The students manifested “some collective achievements” after having dialogues with the administration of the UNAL, taking into account that the expressed claims had to do, mainly, with the modular model of the subjects, the University Welfare services and the ‘centralization’ of the institution.

The agreement of wills signed between the parties includes implementing “quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the academic model, permanent self-evaluation, improvement plan, collective construction of the academic project, efforts to accredit seedbeds, permanent pedagogical training for teachers with a perspective of inclusion“, in other aspects.

Regarding the integrality of the Well-being area, the consensus was to carry out “ICT training and workshops, at the beginning of university life, focused on indigenous, rural populations and those with little access to information and communication technologies”.

In addition to “academic guarantees”, the students requested “assertive” communication channels for cases of gender-based violence. /PHOTO: @UNdeLaPaz.


The students also requested at the national level that the La Paz headquarters design their own well-being profiles, “according to the needs, with an inclusive approach and with an ethic of care.”

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For gender issues, the students asked that there be assertive communication channels, “built collectively for the appropriation of the entire community of the regulations and protocol.”

Lea: Indefinite strike at the National University, La Paz, Cesar: what are they demanding?


Next Monday, April 10, will be the return to classes with the third module, for which the young people demanded that they be willing “The course data, the number of credits, hours of individual work, with peers, with teachers, learning objectives, pedagogical modalities, evaluation modality, agreed rules of the game, feedback and the minimum percentage progress to give a subject”.

Read the agreement signed between students and managers.

By Editorial EL PILÓN.

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