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Advantages and disadvantages of adopting an adult dog

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Advantages and disadvantages of adopting an adult dog

Adopting an adult dog can be one of the best decisions you can make if you want to have a pet in your life.

Adult dogs have many advantages that make them ideal for people looking for a faithful, calm and grateful companion.

However, you also have to take into account some inconveniences that can arise when adopting an adult dog, especially if it comes from a shelter or a protector.

We tell you the pros and cons of adopting an adult dog, so you can make an informed and responsible decision.

Advantages of adopting an adult dog

you know what you get

Adult dogs have their defined personality, character and size, so you won’t get surprises like puppies, which can change a lot as they grow up.

Thus, you can choose the dog that best suits your lifestyle, your preferences and your needs.

Less time, money and energy

Adult dogs are usually vaccinated, dewormed and sterilized, which saves you veterinary expenses and possible health problems.

In addition, they can be educated and socialized, so you will not have to spend as much effort and patience to teach them the basic rules of coexistence, toilet training or obedience.

They are also calmer and more relaxed than puppies, requiring less exercise and constant attention.

Amazing dogs are ignored every day in shelters

Adopting an adult dog is an act of love and solidarity, since you give a second chance to an animal that has been abandoned, mistreated or despised due to its age.

Adult dogs are very appreciative and loyal to their new owners, and adjust quickly to their new home.

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In addition, by adopting an adult dog you contribute to reducing the problem of abandonment and the sacrifice of animals.

Disadvantages of adopting an adult dog

Changing your behavior can take time

Some adult dogs may have traumas, fears or bad habits acquired in their past, which make it difficult for them to adapt or cause behavioral problems.

In these cases, it is necessary to have a lot of patience, understanding and affection to help the dog to overcome its difficulties, and sometimes to resort to the help of a professional.

less active

Although adult dogs are calmer than puppies, they also have less energy and vitality.

This can be an advantage for some people, but a disadvantage for others looking for a more playful, fun, or sporty dog.

Additionally, adult dogs may have more age-related health problems, such as osteoarthritis, blindness, or deafness.

Adopting an adult dog has numerous benefits for both the animal and the human, but it also comes with some challenges and responsibilities.

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Before you decide to adopt an adult dog, you should learn about its history, personality and needs, and make sure that you can offer it a suitable and stable home.

If you do so, we assure you that you will not regret giving an adult dog a new life.


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