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After a lot of damage – Mashriq TV

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After a lot of damage – Mashriq TV

President Arif Alvi has said that there is no doubt that the events of May 9 should not only be condemned but action should be taken against those who are involved in it and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) I) Chairman Imran Khan should also condemn these incidents. In an interview given to Private TV, President Arif Alvi said that I had condemned the incidents of May 9 in the letters written to the Prime Minister and the Army Chief. And said that action should be taken against those who harmed defense installations. Meanwhile, Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Imran Khan, while demanding an independent investigation into the attacks on military installations, condemned the arrests that fueled nationwide riots. Later, in his first press conference, Chairman Tehreek-e-Insaaf said that he was not having any discussion with anyone because he had made it clear that the discussion would only be on the issue of elections, and nothing else. In response to a question PT. The I chairman said that I have no conflict with the other party (establishment) but I don’t know why they are angry with me. He repeated his allegations that PDM is trying to destroy PTI with the help of the army. is plotting and said that this move is dangerous for the country because it can create the same situation that led to the breakup of Pakistan in 1971. If anyone fights against the army, it will defeat the country. For the first time, condemning an act of Tehreek-e-Insaaf instead of defending it in a biased way and advising the party chairman to condemn it publicly and in the media is a change of thoughts and thinking or whether it became a compulsion for him to do so, regardless of this. On the positive side, finally, the respect that the position of the president receives is impartiality and dignity, which is the requirement of a position like the head of the state and the commander-in-chief. are part of rituals like taking an oath and showing a character that requires leadership and impartiality, if they were not biased in showing this character and took the responsibility of stopping the political heat and cooling down the issues, maybe the situation would have been on this trend. His unnecessary visit to Zaman Park also led to reservations and his constitutional relationship with the Parliament and respectful relationship with the institutions were neglected. Due to the pressure of neutrality on the establishment from all sides and their cautious attitude, there is no one left to shoulder the responsibility of adding water to the fire, the result of which is in front of everyone today, where the current situation and especially of Tehreek-e-Insaaf. The role and actions of Tehreek-e-Insaf workers in riots and sieges after the leader’s arrest on the major charge of corruption and the video messages on the records of various leaders in this regard cannot be ignored, but on the other hand, the government By dragging and arresting even those mothers, sisters and daughters in political matters, whose sons, husbands and brothers, etc. would be in politics, but they had no active role on any political platform, nor were they the occasion of riots. But not forgiving even those who were present is the face of political revenge that the rulers of today must have suffered in the past, but taking revenge is their big mistake, which is a violation of human rights and there is no room for it in ethics. No, at a time when there is fire everywhere, the President and the former Prime Minister condemned and expressed indifference to those people who fell victim to the most difficult situations under the flag of their party. Expediency is required, but it would have been better to try to take steps towards reconciliation by admitting one’s own mistake instead of putting the blame on the workers. It should be taken towards reformation, not only by condemnation and indifference, but also a way of remedying it should be found and it should be practically guaranteed to avoid causing such situations in the future. It should be taken forward, for which both the government coalition and Tehreek-e-Insaf have to start by giving up the process of throwing flames out of their mouths.

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