Home » Anabel Belloso affirms that former FMLN officials are “persecuted”

Anabel Belloso affirms that former FMLN officials are “persecuted”

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Anabel Belloso affirms that former FMLN officials are “persecuted”

The FMLN deputy, Anabel Belloso, reacted to the accusation against the former parliamentarian of the Lorena Peña party, and affirmed that the case adds to the persecution of former FMLN officials.

“In this case, the cases follow a dynamic that seems to respond more to the issue of persecution that has been established since the beginning of this government against former FMLN officials, and in the particular case of Lorena Peña,” the party legislator remarked. left.

On March 4, the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) ordered the initiation of a trial, for illicit enrichment, against the former deputy of the FMLN, Lorena Peña, for an amount that amounts to $200,885.01. Likewise, she is accused of having granted $518,890 of public funds, between 2011 and 2019, while she was president of the Treasury commission.

Other former FMLN officials who are persecuted by the Salvadoran justice are former presidents Mauricio Funes and Salvador Sánchez Cerén, who are refugees in Nicaragua and are accused of having usurped millions of dollars each from the State.

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