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At what age should dogs be sterilized?

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At what age should dogs be sterilized?

The sterilization of dogs is a subject that generates many doubts and opinions among pet owners.

Some believe it is cruel and unnecessary, while others see it as a way to prevent disease and behavioral problems.

But what is the most appropriate age to sterilize a dog? Is there an ideal moment or does it depend on each case?

We are going to try to answer these questions, based on scientific evidence and the recommendations of veterinary experts.

The first thing to keep in mind is that sterilization is a surgical intervention that involves the removal of the animal’s reproductive organs, be it the uterus and ovaries in females, or the testicles in males.

This has a series of effects on the organism of the dogboth positive and negative, which vary according to the sex, breed and age of the animal.

Ideal time to sterilize

It depends on many individual factors. It is best to consult with the veterinarian before making a decision, since he will be able to evaluate the specific characteristics of each dog and advise the most appropriate option for his well-being.

In general, it is usually considered that the optimal age to sterilize a dog is between 6 and 12 months, before the first heat in females and before sexual maturity in males.

However, there are cases in which sterilization can be advanced or delayed, depending on the needs of each animal.

For example, in large or giant breeds it is usually recommended to wait until the dog has completed its physical development, around 18 months or 2 years, to avoid bone or joint problems.

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In small or mini breeds, it can be sterilized before 6 months, as long as the dog is in good health and has an adequate weight.

In females with a family history of breast cancer, it is possible to opt for sterilization before the first heat, to minimize the risk of this disease.

In males with behavioral problems, the advisability of sterilizing after 12 months can be assessed, to prevent undesirable behaviors from becoming established.

The benefits of sterilization

They are mainly the prevention of diseases related to the reproductive system, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, uterine infections or testicular tumors.

The risk of unwanted pregnancies and pup abandonment is also reduced.

In addition, sterilization can improve the behavior of the dog, reducing aggressiveness, territorial marking, heat and the tendency to escape.

The drawbacks of sterilization

They are mainly the increased risk of obesity and metabolic diseases, such as diabetes or hypothyroidism.

Decreased bone and muscle growth can also occur, which can affect the development and joint health of the dog.

In addition, sterilization can alter the character of the animal, making it more apathetic or more fearful.

As we can see, there is no universal age to sterilize a dog, but the particularities of each case must be taken into account.

The most important thing is to be well informed about the pros and cons of sterilization and consult with the vet before making a responsible and conscious decision.

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