Home » Barbosa pointed out that the Prosecutor’s Office does not obey any means of communication

Barbosa pointed out that the Prosecutor’s Office does not obey any means of communication

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Barbosa pointed out that the Prosecutor’s Office does not obey any means of communication

The Attorney General of the Nation, Francisco Barbosa, made strong statements during his speech at the Asobancaria congress on Friday, June 16.

In his speech, he emphasized that the Prosecutor’s Office does not obey or respond to the media or any power group in the country.

“This Prosecutor’s Office does not obey or respond to the media or any power group in this country.”

From Cartagena, Barbosa proposed a respectful national dialogue and stressed the importance of maintaining the balance of power amid the tensions between him and President Gustavo Petro.

During his participation in the Asobancaria event, the prosecutor addressed the issue of “soft blows” against the institutional framework and emphasized the need to strengthen and solidify the branches of power.

Likewise, he called for a national dialogue between public powers, in which prudence prevails over exaltation.

Barbosa highlighted democratic values, in which fundamental rights shine and the balance of powers is the norm. He stated that constitutional and institutional prudence must prevail over exaltation, and stability must prevail over institutional insecurity.

Faced with recent challenges, the prosecutor assured that justice will provide peace of mind to citizens through the strict application of the Constitution and the law.

“They are democratic values ​​where fundamental rights shine and the balance of powers is the rule. Where constitutional and institutional prudence takes precedence over exaltation and where stability takes precedence over institutional insecurity, in the face of these challenges that we have seen in recent days and weeks, it will be justice that, with strict application of the Constitution and the law, give the citizenry peace of mind.”

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In response to criticism about the lack of responses in the investigations related to the Clan del Golfo, prosecutor Barbosa expressed his annoyance and stated that it is not true that the Prosecutor’s Office is not following up on these cases.

He mentioned that a detailed report was recently delivered to the Minister of Justice with the results of the investigations against this criminal organization.

In addition, he stressed that the Prosecutor’s Office has sent these reports to both the President of the Republic and the Ministry of Justice, in compliance with the powers established in article 251 of the Colombian Political Constitution.

Fund proposal for the ELN was strongly criticized by Barbosa

Prosecutor Francisco Barbosa this initiative is “amazing”, among other things, because he does not consider it acceptable that the country should maintain “criminality”.

“We cannot understand these amazing proposals that have been made in recent days (…) Publicly they would be vaccinating Colombians to finance crime,” said Francisco Barbosa during his speech at the 57th Banking Convention that is being held these days in Cartagena .

Subsequently, the prosecutor put aside the issue of the ELN and lowered his guard with Gustavo Petro, to whom he proposed a national dialogue to maintain the balance of power and reduce the tensions that exist between the two parties.

“This Prosecutor’s Office does not obey or respond to the media or any power group in this country,” he added.

The controversial proposal also provoked reactions from politicians such as Miguel Uribe Turbay, a senator from the Democratic Center, who shared Barbosa’s position and attacked Gustavo Petro through Twitter.

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“Colombians deserve a government that rewards good citizens and punishes criminals. Not the other way around,” said the also lawyer. with Infobae

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