Home » BBC announcer Ayoub Siddik writes: To Lieutenant General Al-Burhan… All that depends on the dismantling of your army and the occupation of your country is your signature only

BBC announcer Ayoub Siddik writes: To Lieutenant General Al-Burhan… All that depends on the dismantling of your army and the occupation of your country is your signature only

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BBC announcer Ayoub Siddik writes: To Lieutenant General Al-Burhan… All that depends on the dismantling of your army and the occupation of your country is your signature only

Sudani Net:

I spent twenty-three years in the British media, not once did I witness a group of British civilians congregate to discuss the affairs of their country’s armed forces, and I did not witness a session of the British Parliament held to discuss the budget of the armed forces or address how to form them, or to discuss the issue of their industrial institutions and how to form them , or any other matter.

I did not witness in the annual conferences of the British parties a party that discussed the military affairs of its country before the two congresses, nor did I see the British newspapers dealing with the affairs of the armed forces of their country, neither in their news nor in their opinion columns.

All of these matters are within the competence of the military themselves only, except for what was, for example, related to the government sending military support to this or that party, or signing a defense agreement with that or this party.

As for in this strange country of ours, every civilian (leftist after the revolution) can chew his mouth badly and insult his country’s armed forces, and disparage them whenever he wants. The Revolution in the first place, by attacking and insulting his institution, and despising his officers in front of the people, such as searching some boys for them in order to allow them to cross to their place of work during the first days of the revolution.

Foolishness at that time with those people reached the point of describing the army of the country as an army of occupation, and describing its members as the children of the forbidden, and the public marched with its bad mention in the street, and they rejected what was arranged for them in terms of balanced speech, so that it would settle in their consciences, and their tongues would humiliate it, so that it would be easy to repeat it in their demonstrations like their well-known slogan. : (It’s okay, it’s okay, we don’t have an army).

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Worse than that is their repetition: (The children of the dog too, the people of Daqlo and the people of Burhan, we are the children of the people, we have come to you, you son of a dog).

And they went on with such chants until they reached (insulting the religion of the military), which is the religion of Islam, and perhaps those who used to harass them by arrogance against the military establishment and its members did not condemn it. All of this, unfortunately, was passing through the ears of the army leaders, and they were unable to confront it.

And I swear sincerely that this does not happen in any country in the world other than our country, which is amazing in everything. Either he is a specific individual in the army, or he is the whole army, and the word ifrad may indicate that they mean the army.

And now, with their political declaration, which came entirely with its framework base, Western industry, they believe that the time has come to implement it by embarking on the means of dismantling the army, to achieve the old American dream.

With regard to the development and acceleration of events, the matter of dismantling it has become dependent only on Lieutenant General Al-Burhan signing the political declaration, unless God binds his heart and sees with his insight that his signature on that impure declaration is fatal for the country in general.

Those civilians who were in power yesterday, and those insulting chants of the army of their country, are now sitting listening and bowing their heads in humiliation before Fockler, who was brought in as governor-general of the Sudan, and he dictates to them what he wants them to do, in return for returning them as yesterday as rulers of the country.

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It is at their hands that its army is dismantled, to restore it to the newest colony of the present age, whether it comes as a unified colony or with regions that do not unite it.

For this, Volcker aspires to further humiliate the Sudanese people, by making its leaders dismantle their army with their own hands, to quench the anger of the Christian Zionist West, by taking revenge on this army that prevented its protégé, Garang, from invading Khartoum to establish the modern state of Sudan. And now, those who oppose him are working to arrange their ranks to return to power, to overthrow the Arab Islamic identity in Sudan, as Arman stated to that TV channel.

As for his companion, Jaafar Hassan, the igniter of the fire of sedition and hatred among the people, he warned to set a date when they would have a government, after which their opponents would not even be allowed to pass on the roads, according to him.

What that promised government will implement is now in the hands of the people, including the control of the prosecution and the judiciary in all levels of litigation, especially the appeals and the Supreme Court – by dismissing hundreds of them, especially the dismissal of the Supreme Court judges, and reinstating the Empowerment Committee in a more authoritarian manner so that its work includes striking all national forces under Characterization of (disabled democratic transition), the dismissal of hundreds of officers from the army, the annulment of all previous court decisions according to which Islamic figures were acquitted, and the dismissal of all employees who were returned.

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