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Behind the most popular myth of Holy Week

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Behind the most popular myth of Holy Week

Is it true that during Easter you can get ‘stuck’ when having sex? This is a popular belief that has circulated for centuries, but is there any basis for it?

According to experts, this belief is just a myth and there is no law or regulation in the Catholic Church that prohibits having sex during Holy Week. However, there is a phenomenon known as “penis captivus” that could explain why some people can get ‘stuck’ during sex.

Sex physician John Dean explained that during orgasm, a woman’s pelvic floor contracts, while the penis swells. This physiological process can cause people to become ‘stuck’, which can take a maximum of six seconds, at which point the blood flows normally again and the muscles relax.

Although this phenomenon has nothing to do with Easter and can occur at any time, there are some stories and videos on the internet dating from the 18th century to the present in which couples have been ‘stuck’ and have had to use a prayer. or strange prayer to unstuck.

However, it is important to note that this phenomenon is rare and that there is another condition known as ‘vaginismus’ that can be confused with this physiological process. ‘Vaginismus’ is an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the vagina, which prevents sexual intercourse.

In conclusion, although the belief that you can get ‘stuck’ during Easter is just a myth, it is important to understand the physiological processes that can cause this phenomenon and not confuse it with other medical conditions.

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