Home » Belluno, on the afternoon of Wednesday 27 a new stop to water

Belluno, on the afternoon of Wednesday 27 a new stop to water

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Belluno, on the afternoon of Wednesday 27 a new stop to water

Yesterday’s works without particular hitches, the stop to supplies patchy, in the most central area the water returned at 22

BELLUNO. Work on the Belluno aqueduct began on Monday with major excavations near Piazza Mazzini, in front of Porta Dante and in Piazza Castello and will end tomorrow (Friday 22 July). “Below Belluno there is another city”, comments a merchant in via XXXI Ottobre, looking at the excavation in front of her shop. In recent days, Bim Gsp had explained the reasons for this important intervention: the creation of districts for which in the future it will be possible to intervene on a single road or part of it, without having to interrupt the supply of water to a large catchment area, thus minimizing the inconvenience to citizens. “Furthermore, not immediately, however, we will proceed with the installation of digital pressure and flow meters that will allow us to better understand the functioning of the network, but also to anticipate works and take preventive measures to preserve the state of the pipelines”.

At 6 pm the works were proceeding according to the schedule, without delays, as communicated by Bim Gsp. “Old and no longer efficient shutters are replaced and new ones are installed”. No particular phone calls from users, except for some information. Even in the most central area, the water returned at 10pm.

The next week will be repeated, also in this case the interruption will start from 14 on July 27, Wednesday, until the middle of the night. The preparatory works will begin as early as next Monday to end on Friday and are concentrated in Piazza Castello and in Piazza Duomo with tank trucks in Piazza Duomo on Wednesday afternoon.

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