Home » Berlusconi inaugurates the new Forza Italia headquarters in Milan: “From here we want to start again to conquer all of Italy”

Berlusconi inaugurates the new Forza Italia headquarters in Milan: “From here we want to start again to conquer all of Italy”

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Berlusconi inaugurates the new Forza Italia headquarters in Milan: “From here we want to start again to conquer all of Italy”

“It’s not just the inauguration of a Forza Italia office but it’s a symbolic event: we want to start again from here to conquer all of Italy, to be present in all the Municipalities”. These are the words of Silvio Berlusconi immediately after the ribbon cutting of the new Milan headquarters of the Lombard regional coordination of the party. “We believe we are still indispensable in this country: we are bearers of fundamental values ​​in a democracy, such as generosity, Christianity and efficiency” continues the President of Forza Italia, accompanied at the event by his partner Marta Fascina and by the group leaders at the Chamber and Senate, Alessandro Cattaneo and Licia Ronzulli.

Berlusconi then immediately wants to reaffirm the political weight of his party by claiming the paternity of two provisions for the Meloni Government’s Budget Law: the cut in taxes on labor for the hiring of young people and the elimination of preventive authorizations for practices in the field of construction, for which the checks will take place later and in the event of irregularities “if it is not possible to comply, the Municipality will decide on a sanction”. There was also a reference to the other political forces in the government “We will put the best of us on the field to be able to obtain these things, even if perhaps they are not within the reach of our allies”. With these interventions, he specifies, “one million jobs” will be created.

After a private meeting with some regional members of the party, including the group leader Gianluca Comazzi and the former councilor for Welfare, Giulio Gallera, the President returned to the room to toast with his supporters and adds with a smile: «I also make a toast to the old Senator Berlusconi who won’t back down», to the applause of those present. Behind him two placards that recall his attachment to the family with a photo with his mother, Rosa Bossi, and one with his father Luigi.

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In the headquarters there are many references to the political history of the party: from the birth of the political formation in 1994 to the rally in Piazza Duomo in 2008, passing through the famous photos of the “Presidente Operaio”, which portray him in a construction site next to workers, up to to photos with various international personalities in a collage ranging from former US President Bush to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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