Home » Build a stable line of protection and enhance grassroots catastrophe prevention and avoidance capabilities—A abstract of the actions of the 2024 Disaster Prevention and Reduction Publicity Week – Xinhuanet

Build a stable line of protection and enhance grassroots catastrophe prevention and avoidance capabilities—A abstract of the actions of the 2024 Disaster Prevention and Reduction Publicity Week – Xinhuanet

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Build a stable line of protection to enhance grassroots catastrophe prevention and avoidance capabilities—A abstract of the actions of the 2024 Disaster Prevention and Reduction Publicity Week

“There are individuals trapped on the island, please rescue instantly!” Recently, a simulated heavy rain hit Hunan. The water degree round an island rose and numerous individuals have been trapped.

The emergency response mechanism was instantly activated, and varied departments coordinated emergency response, mentioned and judged, dispatched assault boats to switch individuals, and despatched drones to seek for trapped individuals… An emergency drill for the avoidance and switch of individuals through the flood season was progressively carried out. “The drill examined the collaborative operations and fast response capabilities of varied emergency rescue groups, and improved the extent of catastrophe prevention, discount and aid and public security consciousness.” stated Wu Yongsheng, deputy director of the Risk Monitoring and Comprehensive Disaster Reduction Division of the Hunan Provincial Emergency Management Department.

May eleventh to seventeenth is the Disaster Prevention and Reduction Publicity Week. In accordance with the unified deployment of the Office of the National Disaster Prevention, Reduction and Relief Committee and the Ministry of Emergency Management, related departments in varied locations concentrate on “everybody pays consideration to security and everybody is aware of how to reply to emergencies” – specializing in bettering grassroots prevention. With the theme of “Disaster Prevention and Avoidance Ability”, now we have extensively popularized the information and expertise of catastrophe prevention and discount, organized and carried out a variety of emergency evacuation drills, and successfully constructed a individuals’s protection line for catastrophe prevention and discount.

Drills and drills are an efficient approach to enhance individuals’s emergency and threat avoidance capabilities. In Hubei, in view of the frequent incidence of geological disasters through the flood season, the native authorities has carried out emergency drills for geological catastrophe rescue and aid, specializing in the drills on emergency avoidance and rescue operations for landslides. Emergency relocation of individuals, full-scale rescue operations with massive equipment and tools, environment friendly allocation of day by day requirements to resettlement websites in “catastrophe areas”… In heavy rain, three-dimensional rescue drills are corresponding to precise fight.

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Shanghai simulated sturdy convective climate and earthquake disasters on the identical time, and carried out the “Shanghai Ying-2024” complete emergency drill; Heilongjiang held a complete drill on earthquake aid, together with earthquakes, fires, reservoir dam collapse, and different topics; Fujian carried out subway emergency evacuation drills; Guangxi began Emergency drills for tons of of counties, hundreds of villages and hundreds of villages (enterprises), and so forth. During the Disaster Prevention and Reduction Publicity Week, a collection of drills with various eventualities and near precise fight examined the workforce, honed the mechanism, and successfully promoted the development of grassroots catastrophe emergency response capabilities.

Improving the general public’s capacity to forestall and keep away from disasters and to rescue themselves and one another is the important thing to bettering grassroots catastrophe prevention and avoidance capabilities. Activities one after one other have made the popularization of science on catastrophe prevention and discount “new” and extra “cautious”.

“Turn off the ability when leaving residence” “If the oil pan is on fireplace, it’s best to cowl it and suffocate the hearth”… Recently, in Pingbian Yi Township, Pingshan County, Sichuan, villager Amu Zhangyi held a hand with a hand printed with Chinese and Yi characters. The “Yi-Han Fire Safety Promotional Manual” introduces fireplace security information to villagers in Yi language.

Pingshan County is situated between the Big and Little Liangshan Mountains and has greater than 9,000 Yi residents. In order to allow Yi compatriots to know, perceive and keep in mind security insurance policies and laws and security frequent sense, the native authorities compiled and printed bilingual security brochures in each Yi and Chinese languages ​​and established a “horseback propaganda workforce”. During the Disaster Prevention and Reduction Publicity Week, propagandists like Amu Zhangyi improve their frequency of visits from home to deal with to popularize security information.

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Innovate the type of provider and absolutely mobilize the keenness of all events to take part. Hunan held a crimson backpack charity marketing campaign to publicize geological catastrophe prevention and management; Anhui held a National Disaster Prevention and Reduction Day-themed quick video competitors; Ningxia held an “Online Knowledge Competition to Improve Safety Quality and Ability within the Three-Year Action to Address Root Causes”; Sichuan Earthquake Bureau and Chongqing Earthquake Bureau collectively organized The Chengdu-Chongqing Region Shuangcheng Economic Circle Science Popularization Knowledge Network Competition on Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction, and so forth.

Expand science popularization channels and constantly increase the affect of actions. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology coordinated with communications operators to ship related public welfare textual content messages to cell phone customers throughout the nation; Beijing reviewed the response to the “23·7” catastrophic flood within the Haihe River Basin and carried out expertise show actions in faculties and parks; some locations are open to the general public freed from cost Safety expertise halls, emergency coaching bases and different science popularization venues perform particular lectures, simulation experiences, exhibitions, and different actions.

Prevention is the premise and prerequisite for catastrophe prevention and avoidance. Relevant grassroots models take the Disaster Prevention and Reduction Publicity Week as a possibility to conduct in-depth investigation of hidden dangers of catastrophe accidents and put together for sudden disasters upfront.

Hebei has extensively mobilized the plenty to take part in collective prevention and management work comparable to monitoring of geological catastrophe hazard factors, inspections of flood management services, and forest and grassland fireplace threat administration and management; Shanxi has mixed the three-year motion of tackling the basis causes of manufacturing security, specializing in key areas, key areas, and key intervals to hold out threat hazard inspections Rectification; Xinjiang deepens the applying of complete pure catastrophe threat census outcomes and promotes the transformation of threat administration to pre-emptive prevention, and so forth. All localities are making each effort to handle hidden dangers at their inception and earlier than they turn out to be disasters, and take a look at their greatest to scale back catastrophe dangers.

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