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Jose Penuela

February 17, 2023 – 5:00 AM

Many worries

ANDI’s president, Bruce Mac Mastersaid the guild studied “the health reform project. We identified some concerns, especially regarding the capabilities of the model in patient care, feasibility, cost control, roles and responsibilities. We will present proposals on these fronts.”


When responding to a journalistic comment about whether he was not neglecting his government by going around presidential campaign issues, the mayor of Medellín, daniel quinteromade a list of his management: “Hidroituango working and $4.3 billion recovered; we started works on the third Metro line, we delivered Metrocable picacho, 5 in design; all 6th grade kids to 11 with computer; zero tuition; chronic malnutrition from 7.6 to 7.3 and acute malnutrition from 1.1 to 0.9”.

They stigmatize opposition

The Senator of the Democratic Center, Dove Valenciareplied to President Petro: “You insist on stigmatizing the opposition. A madman who arrives at a march cannot cause you to call us Nazis. You already tried to match the Colombian state with the Nazi one. I remind you that you are the democratic president, behave as such”.

Aggression to Galán

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When protesting because a statue of his father in Bucaramanga was hung with an M-19 flag, the former senator Carlos Fernando Galan I affirm that “It is an attack on the memory of Luis Carlos Galán to put an M19 ski mask on him. He never appealed to violence, his weapons were ideas and arguments and his battlefield, democracy. This is the image of foolishness and ignorance of history.

justices of the peace

The mayor of Barranquilla, Jaime Pumarejohighlighted the possession of “58 justices of the peace and reconsideration elected in an unprecedented vote. Their first tasks are to get closer to the communities and play as a team for Barranquilla, so that our people live better, with a better quality of life, tranquility and peace”.

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