Home » Carnival Ivrea, in Santa Marta the charity bingo of the Amis

Carnival Ivrea, in Santa Marta the charity bingo of the Amis

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Carnival Ivrea, in Santa Marta the charity bingo of the Amis

IVREA. Appointment, Friday 6 January, at 16.30 in Sala Santa Marta with the second edition of the charity bingo organized by the Amis ad piassa d’la Granaja. An appointment that blends the tradition of the typical game of the Christmas holidays with the carnival atmosphere and solidarity: the proceeds will be donated to the Filigrana day care center in Ivrea.

The creators and curators of the event, Elena Manzini and Raimondo Mazzola, express their gratitude to those who supported the initiative: «Once again this year the traders of Ivrea have shown solidarity, donating rich prizes for all the draws: they deserve the our thanks”.

The Filigrana center is located in via San Giovanni Bosco 47 (Salesiani area) and addresses its action towards seriously disabled people of both sexes who have completed compulsory schooling, with intellectual disabilities also associated with physical or sensory disabilities. There are three main objectives: responding to the educational and assistance needs of the disabled; support the family in care; prevent or defer placement in a residential facility over time. “Our services – explain the managers – are characterized by a set of individual and group activities, internal and external to the structure, aimed at facilitating the development and maintenance of the disabled person’s potential for the achievement of maximum autonomy”.

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