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Chengdu Universiade: A Spectacle of Culture, Sport, and Technology

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31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu to Kick off with Anticipation

Xinhua News Agency, Chengdu, July 27 – The 31st Summer Universiade in Chengdu is set to begin amidst high anticipation. This is the third time the Universiade has been hosted in mainland China, following Beijing and Shenzhen, and marks the first time a world multi-sports event is taking place in western China. The Chengdu Universiade, dubbed “destined to be different and must be wonderful”, promises a lot to see and experience.

One aspect that has caught everyone’s attention is how the opening ceremony will be new and brilliant. The opening ceremony of any major event reflects the culture of the host city and the theme of the event. Chen Weiya, chief director of the Chengdu Universiade’s opening ceremony, revealed that the ceremony will seamlessly integrate the pursuit of dreams, hard work, and youthful friendship. The ceremony will feature artistic creativity and high technological content, making it a captivating experience for spectators.

The performance of the Chinese Legion is another aspect that is eagerly anticipated. The Universiade is known as the breeding ground for future sports stars and the performance and youthful energy of Chinese athletes are highly anticipated. With 411 athletes representing China in all 18 major events, including Olympic champions Zhang Yufei, Li Bingjie, Zhang Jiaqi, and Zou Jingyuan, the Chinese delegation is expected to shine on the field. The presence of young and rookie athletes adds to the excitement, as fans wonder if they can make a breakthrough in their respective events and if China can maintain its dominance in traditional sports while making strides in weaker disciplines.

The Universiade also offers a unique opportunity to observe the evolving competitive landscape of world sports. The participating athletes, who are college students with exceptional sports skills from different countries and regions, represent the future and hope of the sports world. Many renowned Chinese and foreign sports stars have launched their careers at the Universiade, including gymnast Li Ning and hurdler Liu Xiang. The Chengdu Universiade will serve as a platform to witness the youth power from various nations and reflect the global sports landscape.

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As the first city in western China to host a world-class multi-sports event, Chengdu has meticulously prepared itself to hold a Universiade that showcases Chinese characteristics, the spirit of the times, and the allure of the Bashu region. The event meets international standards and has garnered praise from international sports organizations and officials, who believe that Chengdu is fully prepared to host a spectacular event.

The Universiade not only brings fierce sports competition but also acts as a stage for cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and foreign countries. Athletes from all over the world will gather in Chengdu, despite differences in language and culture, to showcase their love for peace and pursuit of dreams. Various cultural exchange activities will be organized during the Chengdu Universiade, giving athletes a chance to experience the rich charm of Chinese culture.

In addition to the sporting extravaganza, the Chengdu Universiade will also introduce cutting-edge technology to enhance the participant’s experience. From smart translation and intercom systems in the Universiade Village to self-driving buses and advanced digital technology in the competition venues, the event promises to deliver a seamless blend of technology and athletics. The closing ceremony will even produce public TV signals in full 4K and some segments in 8K ultra-high definition.

The Chengdu Universiade is poised to captivate sports enthusiasts and deliver a memorable event that showcases the talent, energy, and culture of young athletes from around the world.

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