Home » China Consumers Association reminds: During the “June 1st” period, education and training institutions have a large promotion, parents need to keep their eyes open-China Education Online

China Consumers Association reminds: During the “June 1st” period, education and training institutions have a large promotion, parents need to keep their eyes open-China Education Online

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China Consumers Association reminds: During the “June 1st” period, education and training institutions will greatly promote sales, parents need to keep their eyes open

In recent years, consumption issues surrounding children’s life, study, and health have occurred from time to time. As the Children’s Day is approaching, the China Consumers Association has made an inventory of five points for attention. Parents are asked to choose play places and holiday gifts for their children. Be careful when doing this.

 Pay attention to food safety

Summer is coming, and the continuous high temperature weather is very easy to breed various bacteria and molds. Parents should pay attention to the food hygiene of their children to avoid food poisoning. First, when dining out, you should choose a catering service unit with complete operating qualifications and a clean and hygienic environment, and pay attention to checking whether the food is fresh and cooked thoroughly. Second, when ordering food online, try to choose a nearby catering unit to order to shorten the food delivery time. After receiving the food, check the packaging and the quality of the ingredients, and do not store it for a long time.

 Pay attention to toy safety

When parents buy toys for their children, they should pay attention to reviewing the quality of toys and eliminating hidden risks. One is to pay attention to the toy logo and label, give priority to products certified by national compulsory standards, and do not buy “three noes” products without the manufacturer’s name, address, and contact information. The second is not to buy small toys with bright colors and sweet smells for children under the age of three to avoid accidental ingestion. The third is not to buy toys or furniture with sharp edges and sharp edges, so as to avoid children’s bruises and injuries. Fourth, pay attention to the warnings on toy labels. Toy labels usually contain important information. Parents should pay attention to the warnings when purchasing to avoid unnecessary harm.

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  Pay attention to play safety

Parents choose to take their children to amusement parks, swimming pools, parks and other outdoor activities. First, try not to choose dangerous places such as reservoirs, ponds, wells, and rivers to play, bathe, and fish. swimming place. The second is to teach children to consciously abide by traffic rules, ride in a civilized manner, not to cross the road at will, and not to approach the car before it stops. The third is to take good care of the child at all times to prevent the child from getting lost. Fourth, do a good job of personal protection in public places to prevent virus infection.

  Pay attention to eye safety

The myopia rate of children and adolescents in my country has always been at a relatively high level. According to the current medical level, myopia cannot be cured, and timely and scientific prevention and control is the real “good medicine”. One is that when children use electronic products, parents should control the time and distance of using their eyes. After using electronic products to study for 30-40 minutes, you should take a 10-minute break; the younger you are, the shorter the time you spend using electronic products continuously. Second, the single use time of electronic products for non-learning purposes should not exceed 15 minutes, and the cumulative time per day should not exceed 1 hour. The third is to maintain correct reading and writing postures. Good reading and writing habits are crucial to protecting children’s vision health. The fourth is to try to ensure that children have no less than 2 hours of outdoor activities every day.


  Pay attention to the safety of funds

Many education and training institutions choose to make a big sale during the “June 1st” period. Parents need to keep their eyes open to protect their own rights and interests. The first is to choose a qualified off-campus training institution. Some off-campus training institutions have not obtained the administrative license issued by the competent department, or carry out “one-on-one”, “home-teacher”, “high-end housekeeping” and other illegal training in the name of individuals. Big security risk. Parents can inquire through the Ministry of Education’s national out-of-school education training supervision and service comprehensive platform “Out-of-school training parent terminal” APP. Non-disciplinary training specifically reminds parents to pay close attention to the risks of injury or even paralysis that may be caused by children’s dance “lower waist” movements, and should not be careless. Second, when making prepaid consumption, do not recharge a large amount at one time. You should sign a written contract with the merchant, carefully review the terms of the contract, and clarify important matters such as the scope of use of the prepaid card, validity period, functions, conditions for returning the card, and liability for breach of contract. The third is to protect personal information during the consumption process, not to disclose sensitive information such as mobile phone number, family or work address, property status, etc. unless necessary, and not to scan QR codes or click on unknown links at will to prevent telecom fraud. Fourth, when children play video games, pay attention to changes in account funds to prevent unnecessary losses.

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The China Consumers Association also urges all kinds of operators to uphold the principle of honest management, provide high-quality products and services, and strive to let children enjoy a safe and happy Children’s Day. (Reporter Niu Guyue)

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