Home » Closures and detours due to the athletic race this July 9 in Bogotá

Closures and detours due to the athletic race this July 9 in Bogotá

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Closures and detours due to the athletic race this July 9 in Bogotá

To carry out the Compensar Athletic Race on Sunday, July 9, 2023, the District Mobility Secretariat (SDM) authorized the following road closures:

Western roadway of carrera 60 between av. 63rd street and av. Calle 26 East road of Av. race 60 between av. 26th street and av. calle 53 north road of av. calle 53 between av. carrera 60 and av. Carrera 68 South road of Av. Calle 53 between Carrera 58 and Av. Carrera 68 Calzada Norte on Calle 44 between Av. carrera 60 and carrera 52 Calzada sur de calle 44 between av. carrera 60 and av. carrera 50 Western roadway of carrera 66a between calle 44 and av. calle 53 Calzada oriental of carrera 66a between calle 44 and av. 53rd street

These road closures will be brought forward from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 9, 2023.

The race will start in the event square of Parque Simón Bolívar door 4, av. carrera 60 western road to the south, av. calle 53 calzada sur to the east, return to carrera 58 (without affecting the intersection), av. calle 53 calzada sur to the west, av. carrera 60 eastern roadway to the south, 44th street north roadway to the east, return west – west at the height of carrera 52, 44th street south roadway to the west, av. carrera 60 east road to the south, calle 42 to the west.

Continue on Av. carrera 60 western road to the north, av. calle 53 calzada sur to the west, carrera 66a calzada oriental to the south, return to the north at the height of calle 44, carrera 66a calzada occidental to the north, av. calle 53 calzada sur to the west, return east – east (twenty meters before av. carrera 68), av. calle 53 calzada norte to the east, entrance to the park simón bolívar (av. calle 53 with av. carrera 60) and they will carry out an internal route in the park where the route will end (map 1).

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authorized diversions

Users traveling in a north-south direction on Av. Carrera 60 will be able to take Av. calle 63 to the west and av. carrera 68 to the south (map 2).

Users traveling east-west on Av. calle 63 and take av. carrera 60 to the south, you must continue along av. calle 63 to the west and av. carrera 68 to the south (map 2).

Users traveling south-north along Av. carrera 68 and want to take av. calle 53 to the east should take av. calle 63 to the east (map 3).

Users traveling east-west on Av. calle 63 and take av. carrera 60 to the south you can take av. carrera 50 to the south (map 4).

Users traveling east-west on Av. calle 53, they should take av. carrera 60 north and av. 63rd street to the west (map 5).

Users traveling in the East-West direction on Av. Calle 26 and take Av. Carrera 60 to the North, must continue west on Av. Calle 26 and Av. Carrera 68 to the North (Map 6).

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