Home » Comelico Superiore, mushroom hunter breaks his ankle

Comelico Superiore, mushroom hunter breaks his ankle

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Comelico Superiore, mushroom hunter breaks his ankle

Accident in the morning in the woods under the Coltrondo hut

COMELICO SUPERIORE. Fungaiolo slips and breaks his ankle. At around 12.30 today (Sunday 4 September) the Val Comelico Alpine Rescue was alerted for a mushroom hunter who had slipped into the woods under the Coltrondo hut. One of his friends, who were with him, gave the alarm. A team, with two rescuers from the Guardia di Finanza of Auronzo, reached the 29-year-old from Padua in about ten minutes on foot, after having received the GPS coordinates of the point where he was from the Central.

Immobilized his foot due to a suspected fracture of the ankle, the man was embarrassed and transported to the appointment with the ambulance, which left for the hospital in Pieve di Cadore.

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