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Community Rises Together: Mass Brings Comfort and Strength After Devastating Wildfire in Lahaina, Hawaii

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Community Rises Together: Mass Brings Comfort and Strength After Devastating Wildfire in Lahaina, Hawaii

Mass Held at Coffee Shop in Lahaina, Hawaii Following Devastating Wildfire

Lahaina, Hawaii – In a display of resilience and unity, nearly 200 people attended a mass at a local coffee shop in Kahului, following a devastating wildfire that destroyed their church and community. Pastor Arza Brown, who had been serving as the spiritual leader of the Baptist church in Lahaina for the past five decades, led the service.

The fire, which has already claimed nearly 100 lives and displaced thousands, left Pastor Brown with little more than his faith. However, his unwavering commitment to his congregation and his community propelled him forward, even as he stood before them wearing sandals – a humble reminder of the loss that he, too, experienced firsthand.

“I have helped many people overcome many disasters, fires, many things,” Pastor Brown shared during the mass. “But it’s the first time I’m one of them.”

The flames had engulfed the Baptist church, reducing it to ashes along with Pastor Brown’s home. However, one of his devoted parishioners opened the doors of his cafeteria in Kahului, providing a space for the community to come together and find solace in their shared grief. The gathering aimed to help residents process the tragedy and support one another during this challenging period.

Reflecting on his role as a pastor, Pastor Brown expressed frustration at the ban imposed by authorities, preventing religious leaders from returning to the fire-ravaged area to offer much-needed ministry and support to those affected. He revealed that the community’s resilience and shared encouragement in the face of adversity were the focus of the service.

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“The church is not a building, it is its people. So the church is still standing here,” Pastor Brown affirms.

During the two-hour mass, Lahaina residents tearfully recounted the harrowing moments when they watched the “ball of fire” engulf their community. Pastor Caleb Woodfin, who assisted Pastor Brown in Lahaina, emphasized the speed at which the fire spread, leaving little time for escape.

“If there’s one thing you’re going to hear, it’s that it happened so fast,” Pastor Woodfin stated.

Mirasol Ramelb, a devout member of the church, suffered the loss of her jewelry store, which had been a pillar of the touristy Front Street in Lahaina for nearly two decades. Ramelb, along with her niece, Glorymae Lorenzo, who fled the town with her family, attended the mass seeking comfort and answers.

“The service brought comfort to my heart, that God is still there, that he is still in charge,” Ramelb shared.

Lorenzo, who had not previously visited Pastor Brown’s church, found solace in his sermon, which provided her with peace and reassurance amid the tragedy.

“Before we came here today, we were asking ourselves, ‘Why did this happen?'” Lorenzo explained. “His words comforted me. ‘We have to be strong. We will get out of this.'”

As the authorities continue their search for the deceased, currently combing only 3% of the fire-ravaged area, concerns mount over a possible increase in the death toll in Hawaii.

The mass at the coffee shop served as a testament to the power of faith and community during times of adversity. Despite the loss of their church and homes, the spirit and resilience of the congregation and the people of Lahaina shone through, offering a beacon of hope in the face of tragedy.

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The community will undoubtedly come together to rebuild and support one another as they navigate the long road to recovery.

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