Home » Comprehensive news: Demonstrating extraordinary sportsmanship, uniting the strength of unity and fraternity – Athletes, sports officials, experts and scholars from many countries speak highly of the Beijing Winter Olympics_Hangzhou Net

Comprehensive news: Demonstrating extraordinary sportsmanship, uniting the strength of unity and fraternity – Athletes, sports officials, experts and scholars from many countries speak highly of the Beijing Winter Olympics_Hangzhou Net

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Comprehensive news: Demonstrating extraordinary sportsmanship, uniting the strength of unity and fraternity – Athletes, sports officials, experts and scholars from many countries spoke highly of the Beijing Winter Olympics

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 20. The 24th Beijing Winter Olympic Games will come to a successful conclusion on the evening of the 20th. Efficient epidemic prevention measures, the concept of hosting the Olympic Games with science and technology, the enthusiasm and thoughtfulness of volunteers, and the stories of solidarity and friendship in the competition have left a deep impression on athletes, officials, experts and scholars from many countries. They all said that the Beijing Winter Olympics showed extraordinary sportsmanship, gathered the power of unity and fraternity, and sent a message of hope to the world.

Bosnian sled runner Mirza Nikolayev became an “Internet celebrity” because of his mischievous and charming winking expression captured by the TV broadcast of the opening ceremony. He said that although he missed the medal at this Winter Olympics, Got a lot of good memories. “In the Olympic Village, every time I meet, every staff member is smiling and makes me feel at home!”

Turkish short-track speed skater Furkan Akar said: “I am very happy in Beijing, the Olympic Village is very interesting, I like the food in the Olympic Village.” Akar’s coach Galiyev said that the staff here are very happy Help, everything in the Olympic Village is first-class and excellent.

Erdem Dogan, the sports director of the Turkish National Olympic Committee, said that the epidemic prevention measures at the Beijing Winter Olympics are very scientific, ensuring that athletes can train and compete in a safe environment. Whether it is on the field or in the living area, China has set up advanced equipment. This is an Olympic Games full of technology. Dogan also praised the enthusiasm and professionalism of the volunteers of the competition, “the volunteers here are unparalleled”.

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The 36-year-old Romanian veteran LaLuca Stellamaturaru participated in the team event in sledding at the Beijing Winter Olympics. “The Beijing Winter Olympics were the best I’ve ever participated in,” he said.

Martin Begino, head of the Argentine Beijing Winter Olympics delegation, said that from the complete infrastructure of the Beijing Winter Olympics, it can be seen that China attaches great importance to the preparations for the Winter Olympics. Patiently listen to feedback from different delegations and resolve issues in a timely manner.

“The Beijing Winter Olympics deserve the highest praise. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, China fulfilled its commitment and presented a green, shared, open and clean Winter Olympics to the world.” Russia-China Research Center, Department of Journalism, Moscow State University, Russia Director Yevgeny Zaitsev said. In his view, the Olympic motto of “faster, higher, stronger – more united” was further interpreted at the Beijing Winter Olympics, and the sportsmanship of athletes to overcome all kinds of difficulties and constantly push the limits has also inspired the world .

In the curling mixed doubles round robin, the story of Chinese players Fan Suyuan, Ling Zhi and the American team players exchanged gifts after the game, which made Rwandan media person Gerald Mbanda unforgettable. He said that this heartwarming story is the best expression of sportsmanship, and such a story also sends a strong message – the Olympic spirit is to be full of friendship, unity and peace.

Kimo Somi, an honorary professor of sports planning at the Faculty of Sports Science at the University of Jyväskylä, said that the Beijing Winter Olympics has sent a message of hope to the world. Although the new crown epidemic is still ongoing, people can temporarily forget their troubles and enjoy themselves. Such a global sports event.

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Yuba Nath Ramsar, the former editor-in-chief of New Nepal News, said that by successfully hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics, China has once again demonstrated its excellent preparation capabilities and superb organizational capabilities. (Participating reporters: Wang Feng, Shadati, Lin Huifen, Zhang Xiuzhi, Asigang, Ji Li, Chen Jing, Ni Ruijie, Zhou Shengping, Yi Aijun, Hua Di)

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