Home » Coronavirus Italy: 6,596 cases and 21 deaths. 3.06% positivity rate

Coronavirus Italy: 6,596 cases and 21 deaths. 3.06% positivity rate

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On Wednesday 4 August, 6,596 cases of contagion were recorded against 4,845 on Tuesday 3 August. Twenty-one deaths instead, compared to 27 in the previous 24 hours. Based on the number of tampons, which is 215,748, the positivity rate is 3.06%: up sharply from 2.31 on Tuesday and 1.87 on Monday.

The daily report of the Civil Protection also shows that there are 2,309 hospitalized patients with symptoms (2,196) while in intensive care there is a total of 60 hospitalized (two more than on Tuesday 3 August) with 14 new entries. There are 94,651 people in home isolation, up from 91,762 the previous day. The total of currently positives rises to 97,220 from 94,216 on Tuesday.


At a national level, the employment rate of intensive care by patients with Covid remains at 3%, but one region, Puglia, is up by 1% compared to the previous day, while Marche, Sicily and the Province autonomous of Bolzano see a decrease of -1%. No region exceeds the 10% saturation threshold, which is listed as one of the new main parameters for the color change of regions. But Sardinia is precisely on this value, while the others are all below 4%. This is shown by the monitoring of the National Agency for Regional Health Services (Agenas), which compares the data of 3 August with those of 2. These are the values ​​of the individual regions: Abruzzo (1%), Basilicata (1%) , Calabria (3%), Campania (2%), Emilia Romagna (3%), Friuli Venezia Giulia (2%), Lazio (5%), Liguria (6%), Lombardy (2%), Marche (2% , with -1%), Molise (3%), Bolzano (2%, with -1%), Trento (1%), Piedmont (1%), Puglia (3%, with + 1%), Sardinia (10 %), Sicily (4%, with -1%), Tuscany (4%), Umbria (2%), Valle d’Aosta (0%) and Veneto (2%).

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Covid bed occupancy stable at 4%

The occupancy of beds by Covid-19 patients in hospital wards remains stable at 4% at national level, but 4 regions see a daily increase of 1%, i.e. Friuli Venezia Giulia (which rises to 2%), Lazio (which rises to 6%), Lombardy (rises to 4%), Puglia (which rises to 3%); while Umbria marks -1%. This is what is shown by the monitoring of the National Agency for Regional Health Services (Agenas), which compares the data of August 3 with those of the second. It is the regions of the Center-South that in this period see a greater weight in the ordinary departments. of infectious diseases, internal medicine and pulmonology: in particular Sicily, with an employment rate of 11%, followed by Calabria (9%), Basilicata, Calabria, Campania and Lazio (6%). However, none exceeds the saturation threshold of 15%, indicated as one of the new main parameters for the color change of the regions and the introduction of the consequent greater restrictions. For Covid hospitalizations in the ‘non-critical’ medical area, this in detail, the situation region by region: Abruzzo (3%), Basilicata (6%), Calabria (9%), Campania (6%), Emilia Romagna (4 %), Friuli Venezia Giulia (2%, with + 1%), Lazio (6%, with + 1%), Liguria (2%), Lombardy (4%, with + 1%), Marche (3%) , Molise (1%), Bolzano (2%), Trento (2%), Piedmont (1%), Puglia (3%), Sardinia (5%), Sicily (11%), Tuscany (3%), Umbria (2%, with -1%), Valle d’Aosta (4%, with + 1%) and Veneto (2%).

In Piedmont 257 new cases and no deaths since yesterday

In Piedmont there are 257 new cases of people who tested positive for Covid-19 since yesterday (of which 30 after antigen tests), equal to 1.6% of 15,887 swabs performed, of which 10,100 antigenic. Of the 257 new cases, 112 were asymptomatic (43.6%). No patient died.
The cases are broken down as follows: 50 screenings, 157 case contacts, 50 with ongoing investigation, 3 RSA / Social Assistance Structures, 4 imported cases (three from abroad and one from another Italian region).

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