Home » Coverage of violent events puts journalists at risk – Crónica

Coverage of violent events puts journalists at risk – Crónica

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Coverage of violent events puts journalists at risk – Crónica

The latest violent events taking place in the country put different sectors of the population on alert. Those who work as journalists and unions show their concern about the different coverage of criminal acts (robbery, theft,…) to which they are exposed.

Cases of violence are transmitted in the information spaces, through the red breaking latest news sections, of the different media, especially social networks.

Marco Zhigüi Paqui, president of the College of Journalists of Loja, in dialogue with Diario Crónica, indicated that the situation is worrisome, they hold several meetings with union leaders at the national level.

“As much as it is said, from the Government, that there will be care for the journalist, the issue is not that they take care of us; but that there is no insecurity because we have to do our job”.


In his opinion, there is fear of carrying a logo or identification of the press or media, “because criminals identify us.”

Likewise, it recommended that information should also be changed. “Citizens should avoid consuming violent information. Journalists self-train in personal care; and, unite to raise our voice before the authorities, so that they guarantee our safety”.


Communication professionals, through their coverage, report different facts, be they social, political, economic, accidents, among others.

Hever Sánchez Martínez, Director of Communication at the National University of Loja (UNL), explained that there are even cases of students who, without practicing journalism, “by being witnesses to a crime, extortion or kidnapping, are already made visible by gang groups and begin to threaten them.”

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He also asserted, “we were never as exposed as we are today because we have no guarantee; It is the obligation of the authorities to provide us with security. The journalist is at risk. It is a critical moment that we live…, the communicators are in the ‘eye of the storm’”. (YO)

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