Home » Covid bulletin today 1 January 2022

Covid bulletin today 1 January 2022

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Yesterday 144,243 new cases and 155 deaths were recorded





New record of Covid positives in Veneto with 14,270 new infections in the last 24 hours, bringing the total from the beginning of the pandemic to 659,993. The bulletin of the Region reports it. The deaths on the last day were 12, for an overall figure that reaches 12,395 victims. The hospital situation is still heavy, with 1,275 (-31) Covid patients hospitalized in medical wards, and 197 (+6) in intensive care.



In South Tyrol the contagion from Covid-19 remains very strong. In the last day of 2021, new coronavirus cases were 712 out of 12,168 swabs examined. Two people died yesterday for a total of 1,307 victims since the beginning of the pandemic. Patients admitted to normal hospital wards are decreasing, from 81 to 72 while there are 18 beds occupied in intensive care. The number of postacute covid patients admitted to the affiliated private facilities was stable, equal to 58. Out of 276,373 people subjected to molecular swab, 103,456 were positive. The total healed are 97,027, 518 yesterday alone.


Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia 1,825 new infections have been detected on 9,401 molecular swabs, with a positive percentage of 19.41%. Furthermore, 17,561 rapid antigenic tests have been carried out, from which 506 cases (2.88%) were detected. Today the deaths of 12 people are recorded: a 100-year-old woman from Trieste (who died in an RSA), a 99-year-old man from San Dorligo della Valle (who died in an RSA), a 91-year-old woman from Pordenone ( died in an RSA), an 89-year-old man from Azzano Decimo (who died in hospital), an 89-year-old woman from Trieste (who died in hospital), an 86-year-old woman from Porcia (who died in hospital), an 86-year-old woman years of Tolmezzo (who died in hospital), an 83-year-old man from Pordenone (who died in hospital), an 80-year-old man from Trieste (who died in hospital), a 79-year-old man from Vivaro (who died in hospital), a man 78-year-old man from Meduno (who died in hospital) and, finally, a 71-year-old man from Spilimbergo (who died in hospital). The number of people admitted to intensive care remains 28 and patients hospitalized in other departments drop to 275. There were a total of 4,225 deaths. The totally healed are 140,011, the clinically healed 335, while the people in isolation are 13,545. Since the beginning of the pandemic in Friuli Venezia Giulia, a total of 158,419 people have been positive with the following territorial division: 38,237 in Trieste, 65,953 in Udine, 32,819 in Pordenone, 19,128 in Gorizia and 2,282 from outside the region. The total of positives was reduced by four units as a result of as many rapid tests not confirmed by molecular examination. The first age group for what concerns today’s infections is 20-29 (20.46%), followed by 0-19 (17.20), 30-39 (15.57), 50-59 (15.19%) and finally from 40-49 (15.06%).



Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, 549,175 positive cases have been recorded in Emilia-Romagna, 12,255 more than yesterday, out of a total of 51,575 swabs performed in the last 24 hours. Fifteen deaths. The percentage of new positives on the number of swabs made is 23.7%, a value not indicative of the general trend given the number of swabs performed, which on holidays is lower than on other days and above all molecular swabs are made primarily on cases for which a positive result is often expected. 124 patients are currently hospitalized in the intensive care units in Emilia-Romagna (+8 compared to yesterday); the average age is 62.8 years. Of the total, 89 (therefore 72%) are not vaccinated (average age 60.9 years), while 35 are vaccinated with a full cycle (average age 67.4 years). As for the patients hospitalized in the other Covid departments, they are 1,359 (+13 compared to yesterday), average age 69.2 years. In this new phase of the epidemic, characterized by the Omicron variant and the high percentage of vaccinated people, the strong growth of new infections continues, which however corresponds to an increase in hospitalizations that is not as exponential. Compared to the 10,167 new cases recorded yesterday, the growth of infections today recorded a + 20.5% (+ 43% yesterday), while that of hospitalized in Covid wards a + 1% and in intensive care a + 6.9%, again compared to yesterday.

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The new Covid cases registered in the 24 hours in Tuscany are 14,994 out of 66,723 tests of which 22,991 molecular swabs and 43,732 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 22.47% (66.4% on first diagnoses). This was reported by the president of the Region Eugenio Giani, specifying that “7,444 new positives come from rapid antigenic tests”. Compared to yesterday, there is a decline in the new positives detected in Tuscany. Yesterday the new cases were 16,886 out of 74,976 tests of which 28,479 molecular swabs and 46,497 rapid tests. The rate of new positives remains in line: yesterday it was 22.52%.

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In the Marche region, the incidence of coronavirus infections per 100 thousand inhabitants flies over 600 (600.17) with the 1,619 cases detected in the last day. The previous day there was a peak of daily infections (2,079) with an incidence that had reached 551.61. This is evidenced by the data of the regional epidemiological observatory. In the regional capital, Ancona, the highest number of cases in one day (503); the provinces of Fermo (412), Ascoli Piceno (230), Macerata (225), Pesaro Urbino (135) follow by number of cases; 114 infected from outside the region. In total 28,858
between swabs and antigen tests performed in 24 hours. The age group most affected by absolute number of cases is always that between 25.44 years (496); then 45-59 years (365) and 19-24 years (184). There are 295 new infections among young people between the ages of zero and 18. There are 307 people with symptoms; cases also include 334 close contacts of positives; 414 domestic contacts, 1 in a work setting, 8 in a living / social environment, 1 in a care setting, 3 in a healthcare setting; on 533 cases in progress epidemiological investigations. Among the general positives, 63% were vaccinated and 37% not vaccinated; but the incidence per 100 thousand inhabitants is 32.64 among the vaccinated while that on the unvaccinated is 148.64. Overall, 18,277 swabs were performed (14,171 in the screening course and 4,106 cured in the course; 11.4% positive) and 10,581 antigen tests (1,558 positive).

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It opens with ten more hospitalized in Umbrian hospitals, now 141, Covid 2022. On the other hand, the number of posts occupied in intensive care units dropped to eight, from nine, and no other deaths were recorded. It is the framework based on the data on the Region’s website. On the last day, 3,838 new positives and 417 cured emerged. The current positives rise to 22,824, 3,421 more than December 31, 2021.
The swabs analyzed were 6,247 and the antigen tests 19,986, with a positivity rate on the total equal to 14.6 percent (it was 10.31 the previous day). People in isolation increased by 18 percent, reaching 22,683.

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Today in Lazio out of 33,300 molecular swabs and 80,138 antigenic swabs, for a total of 113,438 swabs, there are 12,345 new positive cases (+3,868), 6 deaths (-4), 1,154 hospitalized (-8), 153 therapies intensive (-1) and +979 i healed. The ratio of positives to swabs is 10.8%. The cases in Rome city are at 6,752. “From Monday we will go to the yellow zone” explains the councilor for health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’amato.



There are 876 new positives in Basilicata, out of 2,614 swabs examined: the data – which represents a record compared to yesterday, when the new infected were 588 out of 2,622 swabs – is contained in the bulletin of the regional task force. There are 66 hospitalized in hospitals, one of them in intensive care: another victim was also registered. From the point of view of vaccines, 3,630 doses were administered yesterday: in the region the first doses have reached 444,547, the second are 413,027, while the third doses are 161,743 so far.


There are 3,000 new positive cases at Covid 19 in Puglia out of 67,636 tests performed: the positivity rate is stable at 4.44%. There are no deaths. There are 27,367 people currently positive, 278 are hospitalized in a non-critical area, 31 in intensive care. This is the subdivision of the new cases: in the province of Bari 783; in Bat 194; in the Brindisi area 594; in the province of Foggia 358; in Leccese 698, in Tarantino 268, there are 95 residents outside the region, those of the provinces under definition 10.




In Sardinia there are today 891 further confirmed cases of Covid positivity, based on 4,727 people tested. A total of 21,267 swabs were processed, including molecular and antigenic. There are 15 patients admitted to intensive care units (1 less than yesterday). 142 patients are admitted to the medical area (4 fewer than yesterday); 8,505 are the cases of home isolation (675 more than yesterday). The death of an 88-year-old woman residing in the province of Oristano is recorded.

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