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Cuban Farm Owner Offers $5,000 Reward to Find Thieves Who Robbed Her Farm

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Cuban Farm Owner Offers $5,000 Reward to Find Thieves Who Robbed Her Farm

Miami-Dade Farm Owner Offers $5,000 Reward for Stolen Livestock

Miami-Dade, FL – Martha Perez, the owner of Boyeros Farm, has announced a $5,000 reward for anyone who can provide information leading to the apprehension of the individuals who robbed her farm over the weekend. Perez took to Tik Tok, where she shared a viral video showcasing the devastation caused by the thieves and garnered support from thousands of sympathetic viewers.

According to local media reports, the thieves targeted Perez’s farm and made off with 18 goats, 10 rams, several chickens, and even a little gasoline-powered tractor. The incident, believed to have occurred in the early hours of Sunday, also saw the culprits damaging the farm’s fences, padlocks, and shed mesh.

Expressing her dismay and heartbreak, Perez lamented the loss of her cherished animals. “My goat, along with its little kids that I adored, and all my rams. It has broken my heart. All these thieves do is harm hardworking people who sacrifice themselves every day,” Perez tearfully proclaimed.

Speaking to Telemundo 51, Perez recalled her deep connection with the stolen animals, especially the two little goats that were born on her farm. She shared how people would visit and develop an attachment to them, frequently expressing a desire to purchase them. “The children came, they carried them, they touched them. It is something very sad. You identify with animals. I don’t want to cry, but believe me, I’m heartbroken,” she said.

In a bid to apprehend the perpetrators, Perez announced on her Tik Tok channel that she is offering a $5,000 reward for any information about the thieves. She urged them to contact her directly at 786-426-8577. Remarkably, Perez revealed that the criminals had audaciously contacted her, attempting to extort an additional $100 to return the stolen animals.

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According to a report by Telemundo 51, Perez’s farm is just one of several in the area targeted by thieves in recent days. Local residents, choosing to remain anonymous, confirmed an apparent wave of robberies in the working community. Authorities have been alerted and are actively investigating the incidents.

In a similar case earlier this month, a suspect was apprehended in Palm Beach, Florida, for the armed robbery of 69 birds valued at over $10,000 from a Lake Worth Beach residence. Across the country, in Michigan, a gang comprising at least five recently arrived Cuban nationals were found to be assaulting homes.

As the community bands together to support Perez and provide information, she expressed her gratitude in another Tik Tok video. She thanked everyone for their unwavering support during this difficult time and emphasized the importance of unity in fighting against such crimes.

Miami-Dade authorities are urging anyone with information related to the theft at Boyeros Farm or any similar incidents to come forward and help bring these criminals to justice.

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