Home » Cycle path on the route of the Florianerbahn: Linz and St. Florian still have to talk

Cycle path on the route of the Florianerbahn: Linz and St. Florian still have to talk

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Cycle path on the route of the Florianerbahn: Linz and St. Florian still have to talk

“We don’t resist anything,” said Mayor Bernd Schützeneder (VP), referring to the closure of the cycle path on the route of the old Florianerbahn between Ebelsberg and Pichling. However, Schützeneder does not see the ball in his community, as the SP had criticized (the OÖN reported), but in the city of Linz. Because a large part of the 1.4-kilometer gap would still be in the area of ​​the state capital.

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The Florianerbahn ran for the last time in 1973 where a cycle path is being built today
OÖNplus Linz

The Florianerbahn ran for the last time in 1973 where a cycle path is being built today

LINZ / ST. FLORIAN. The old railway line will soon be passable in the south of Linz – gap in St. Florian

The Florianerbahn ran for the last time in 1973 where a cycle path is being built today

“You have to think through the project and that requires a decision about what Linz is doing,” said Schützeneder. As reported, the 3.5 meter wide cycle path up to the Billa crossing in Pichling is almost complete. How to proceed from there to the city limits is unclear and not unproblematic. Because the old railway line would run across fields, which would entail more complex negotiations, the mayor of Florian believes. Negotiations would have to be made with landowners here, as there may be a need to redesignate green land into building land.

The viaduct under the Westautobahn, which is already in the municipality of St. Florian and which was once built for the Florianerbahn, is still available. In the case of closing the gap in the cycle path between Linz and St. Florian on the old route, a bridge would have to be built over the Mönchgrabenbach.

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In any case, a meeting with the Deputy Mayor of Linz, Martin Hajart (VP), is scheduled for the end of April, during which they will “talk everything out”. Hajart also wants the paved, wide cycle path in St. Florian, which he has already signaled to his party colleague in St. Florian. Schützeneder, on the other hand, would prefer a gravel leisure trail like the one that has already been built from Taunleiten to Tödling. In principle, however, it would of course be important to him that cyclists who are traveling between St. Florian and Linz would be able to continue on the cycle path.


Reinhold Gruber

Local Editor Linz

Reinhold Gruber

Reinhold Gruber


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