Home » Diab di Longarone, looking for buyers of the business branch

Diab di Longarone, looking for buyers of the business branch

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Diab di Longarone, looking for buyers of the business branch

The decision of the regional table opens positive glimpses for the 185 workers of the plant who risk their jobs. We return to Venice on April 7th

LONGARONE. A glimmer of hope opens up for the 185 workers at the Diab plant in Longarone who risk their job due to the closure of the production of PVC panels. Today, March 30, at the regional table, all the parties involved considered a process of reindustrialisation viable to look for a person who could acquire the company branch.

The elements that will determine the effective applicability of this process will be evaluated during the next meeting scheduled for Thursday 7 April at the regional headquarters.

The table was convened by the regional councilor for work Elena Donazzan and managed by the manager of the regional corporate crisis unit Mattia Losego, to update the situation of Diab spa in Longarone. The company, owned by a Swedish group that produces PET and PVC plastic materials, currently employs about 250 workers. The meeting was attended by company representatives, assisted by Confindustria Belluno, and the trade unions of Filctem Cgil Belluno, Femca Cisl Belluno and Uiltec Uil Belluno.

With this opening that has emerged at the table, if a buyer is found to sell the PCV production to, the possibility of recovering the 185 redundancies that the company had announced a few weeks ago is envisaged.

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