Home » Ukraine, the Russian reporter who is with Kiev: “But Zelensky has his faults” – Foreign

Ukraine, the Russian reporter who is with Kiev: “But Zelensky has his faults” – Foreign

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Ukraine, the Russian reporter who is with Kiev: “But Zelensky has his faults” – Foreign

“It may take time, but Ukraine will win its war for independence. And Putin’s regime will collapse.” These are not the words of a Ukrainian irredentist, but of a Russian journalist. A man on the run. First from the Moscow censorship, then from the Kiev bombs. And not only. “I’m afraid of being killed,” admits Oleg Sukhov, political reporter for the Kiev Independent. A pro-European who doesn’t discount anyone, not even Zelensky. So much so that in the weekly New Europe, published in Brussels, he writes: “The Ukrainian president had two options, improve reality or create a false one. He chose to silence independent voices and brainwash the population through the media” . This is an excerpt from an article four months ago, about corruption and reforms. Policy. But now, von Clausewitz would say, politics continues by other means. Poker is played on people’s skin. Putin moves all-in, “that’s why he’s bluffing about nuclear power.” Sukhov, does his profession represent a further risk factor in this war? “Definitely. Because of the Russian aggression, those who do my job live in precariousness. Today in Ukraine there is no safe place for journalists. This is why after the invasion I decided to flee to Romania”. In Russia, Putin silenced the press. Does he think he can do the same in Ukraine if the Russians win the war? “I’m sure he would cancel free speech and all other rights.” Did any of his colleagues enlist? “Yes, some colleagues from other newspapers have enlisted in the army or territorial defense units.” What is fear for you? “Because of the Russian aggression the risk of being killed is quite high. I am not afraid of losing my job or money, but something more frightening: I am afraid of dying.” How …

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