Home » Dissidents of the FARC return alarming pamphlet from the front 53

Dissidents of the FARC return alarming pamphlet from the front 53

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Dissidents of the FARC return alarming pamphlet from the front 53

Segunda Marquetalia announced on its website the “reestablishment” of the 53rd Front of the same guerrilla. They will return to areas such as Sumapaz, Cundinamarca, the department of Meta and they will surely be in Alto Vichada. “Today, like yesterday, we are moved by the fight for social justice, true democracy and peace,” the group said in a statement.

The Segunda Marquetalia also sent a message of unity to the ELN, urging them to work with the guerrillas “in one fell swoop for the happiness of the people.”

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“We are a party for peace that respects human rights and protects the interests of the dispossessed of their environment, territory and homeland,” Segunda added this marquetalia in the document.

Now, the armed group intends to bring peace to all by providing the country with an economy that “promotes national production, employment and free, quality education.” It should be remembered that the FARC dissidence, the FARC headquarters, announced the names of five guerrillas who will participate in a dialogue table with the government of President Gustavo Petro. They are Carlos Eduardo García, also known as “Andrei”. Tatiana Rojas, aka “Angela”; Jason Alexis Ojeda, aka “Danilo Alvizu”; Jaime Muñoz Dorado, alias “Sebastián” and alias “Javier 33”.

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