Home » Drug driver fled after traffic accident | Nachrichten.at

Drug driver fled after traffic accident | Nachrichten.at

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Drug driver fled after traffic accident |  Nachrichten.at

A 53-year-old from the Braunau district was driving his car on the B148 in the municipality of Ranshofen towards Germany around 10 a.m. on Thursday. His 51-year-old wife was sitting in the passenger seat. Behind him, a 40-year-old German was driving his car. As he entered the “Osternberger roundabout”, the 40-year-old crashed into the rear of the 53-year-old without braking and came to a stop in the middle of the roundabout, in the green area there.

The German drove on immediately afterwards and stopped again in front of the second vehicle involved. In a short conversation, he assured that he would pay for everything anyway and left the scene of the accident in the vehicle without revealing his identity. Due to the severe damage, it came to a standstill a few kilometers later.

Witness information led to accident driver

An attentive witness reported this to the police. The 40-year-old appeared obviously impaired to the officers. A urine test was positive for several substances. The clinical examination revealed that he was unfit to drive. The driving license could not be taken away because he does not have a valid driving license.

The 53-year-old and his wife were slightly injured in the accident and went to Braunau Hospital on their own. The 40-year-old remained uninjured. It is displayed.


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