Home » Drummond Ltd. led a day to release wildlife in its conservation areas

Drummond Ltd. led a day to release wildlife in its conservation areas

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Drummond Ltd. led a day to release wildlife in its conservation areas

Drummond Ltd. continues to demonstrate its commitment to the preservation of wildlife through the rescue and protection of species in its conservation areas. Recently, together with the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cesar, Corpocesar, and the Environmental Authority of North Santander, Corponor, 99 black-necked tortoises, one deer and one grison were released.

The release was carried out in one of the biosensor zones present in the area of ​​influence of the El Descanso mine, which are places of protection that meet all the environmental conditions that species need to be able to reproduce, complete their life cycle. and adapt to the ecosystem.

“This process was possible thanks to various rehabilitation activities carried out in the fauna centers of the entities, today the release of a deer, a grison and several individuals of morrocoy is carried out, to which different processes were carried out to generate behaviors in them so that when they are returned to their natural habitat they have a good development,” said Janit Arévalo Suárez, a biologist at the Corpocesar wildlife center.

It should be noted that, within its management, Drummond Ltd. has aligned its environmental policies with the sustainable development agenda of the United Nations World Organization, through its objective number 15: Life of Terrestrial Ecosystems, thus working for sustainability enviroment.

Gustavo Valencia, senior supervisor of the area of ​​biodiversity and compensation of Drummond Ltd., expressed: “These activities are very important because they confirm our interest in improving the environmental capital of the region and demonstrate the development of mining with a positive impact.”

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Drummond Ltd. will continue to carry out these types of actions that demonstrate the environmental commitment to the protection and conservation of the ecosystems and natural resources of the region.

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