Home » Due to anomalies in contracts, charges against a Soacha mayor’s office

Due to anomalies in contracts, charges against a Soacha mayor’s office

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Due to anomalies in contracts, charges against a Soacha mayor’s office

The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation formulated a statement of charges against the then Director of Coverage of the Secretary of Education and Culture of the Mayor’s Office of Soacha, Cundinamarca, Liliana Marcela Chaparro Sierra, for alleged irregularities in the contracting of the School Food Program (PAE). for more than $16 billion, during the covid 19 pandemic.

The facts are related to possible anomalies in two contracts subscribed for the provision of school food servicer during the health emergency declared by the pandemic by covid

Apparently, Chaparro Sierra, in her capacity as the director of coverage and supervisor of the contract 2135 of 2019, which exceeds $7 billion, she would have incurred in irregularities At the time of reviewing and approving the justification and market study documents, the restart of the extension and the addition of this ccontract made in March 2020, in which apparently cost overruns were presented.

point to the Public ministry that the price consultation that was used to carry out the study would have taken into account the value of the products at retail or retail and not at retail older as appropriate.

Consequently, there would have been a cost overrun of more than 479 million pesos in the prices paid by the Soacha Mayor’s Office for the components of the ration to be prepared at home, supplied to users of the school feeding program.

The same situation would have arisen in the contract 616 of 2020, in which she also served as a supervisor.

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For the control entity, it is not admissible that such modifications were reviewed and justified in this bilateral with prices that could exceed in over $138 million actual value.

The conducts under investigation were provisionally classified as very serious at title of serious negligence

Finally, the attorney certified copies of the statement of charges and the pertinent evidence so that the also Secretary of Education and Culture at the time of the facts be investigated, Luis Eduardo Chavez Poveda, for the alleged signing of various documents related to these two contracts.

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